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A private plane touched down on the island Mick had suggested, bringing all five members for that so much talked about group vacation. One by one the five got out of the plane and were escorted to a black SUV, tinted windows and all. They were driven to a very expensive looking hotel, with rooms already booked and ready to be taken up residence in. Stevie was sure Lindsey would have a separate one for himself again, but when they arrived, he followed after her, the other three band members going to check out their own suites.

Stevie started unpacking her suitcase, leaving a thin summer dress on the bed that she chose to wear. She loved her black, but she wasn't used to such temperatures in October. Once she put her clothes into drawers for the upcoming two weeks, Stevie changed into the dress and went to the bathroom to fix her hair, taking a few strands from the front and braiding them in the back, leaving the rest loose. When she returned to the bedroom, she had a good view of the living area, seeing Lindsey lying on the couch, with his hands clasped under his head, staring up at the ceiling.

"Is it going to be like this the whole time?"

"Like what?"

"Well, you... clearly unhappy, shutting everyone away, lost in your own thoughts." Stevie tried to ask as gently as possible, as she sat down on the armrest. 

"What do you want me to do?"

"Not... be this way. Talk to me. It's gorgeous here, let's take a walk or something?"

"Stevie, I told you that we're going to act a married couple around others."

"Act a married couple? What does that even mean? We are married!" She noticed her voice getting higher, as she instantly tried to calm herself. "Lindsey, please... I don't want to pretend, I want to somehow find a way back. I want us to be happy with each other again, like we were before coming to Australia."

"The thing is, I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to be your husband anymore, your friend, your lover... Every time I try, I immediately think that some other man was in my place, that you can replace me. I don't want to be an easy substitute." 

"Lindsey, you're not! Yes, we talked about it a million times, but can we move on? I'm not saying let's forget about it, because it's impossible, it hurt us both immensely, but are we really going to dwell on it forever? Why don't you let me prove to you that I'm willing to change?"

"You've told me that before."

"I know and I realize I've lost all your trust, but let me earn it back. I know it's a lame excuse, but I came back to you, didn't I?"

"Is that supposed to make me feel better somehow? That you were fucking around, but you came back to me?"

"Please, let's not get into another argument, can we just talk?"

"Stevie, I..." He sighed. "I want us to go back to how we were, I do, but I don't know how. I don't know how to overlook what happened."

"Stop thinking about it. We have over ten days in this beautiful place, let's enjoy it and do that together. Let's think of this trip as therapy to us; there aren't that many people, the weather is nice, we're surrounded by ocean... Is it that hard for you to give it a chance? Give me a chance?"

He didn't say anything for a minute, obviously processing it all, as he then sighed heavily and sat up, nodding. "Okay, fine."

Stevie smiled a little, opening her palm, asking for his hand. Lindsey hesitated, but then took it, looking into her eyes that loved so dearly.

Thirty or so minutes later, Lindsey was out of his jeans and a black V-neck, having changed it into a white one, as well as shorts, as the two of them headed out of the hotel room downstairs, as they were set on exploring the territory. Stevie was right, he thought, it really is beautiful here, as they were currently walking along the shore, as she held onto her hat, so the wind wouldn't blow it off. Lindsey was quite shocked at her appearance, it was a nice change from the black.

"You look lovely."

"Thank you. I reckoned my uniform wouldn't go here."

"Have you applied sunscreen, though? You know how easily you get burnt."

She couldn't help but smile, his worrying was endearing. "I hope so, I wouldn't want to look like a crab. Maybe I for once could match your sun kissed skin. You're so Californian sometimes, Linds."

He laughed lightly, shrugging. "I like to seem healthy to people, not like a vampire."

"So, I'm a vampire now?"

"You do bite." He smirked glancing at her.

There were still so many barriers between them, but a mindless chatter like the one they were having was definitely a huge step forward, compared to how they had been either fighting or completely ignoring each other lately.

"I'm sorry I was such a pain earlier." Lindsey said, lacing his finger's through hers. "I know you are making an effort and you want us to get better, but understand me too, it's tough for me to just move on and be this lovey dovey couple again. I simply should have taken a different approach and not raised my voice."

"Things won't change if only one of us wants them to change..."

"You're absolutely right. And please don't think I don't love you, because I don't talk to you, because I do, that will always remain the same, my feelings for you. There's a reason we met, dated, broke up, were on and off for years and still ended up married to each other."

"I wouldn't know how to live if of all things I had lost your love. I'm so angry with myself that I've risked it..."

"Can I ask you one thing though? About the whole Don thing."


"Were there any feelings? Because an emotional affair is way worse in my opinion."

"No. Hand on my heart, I weren't, hadn't fallen again and am not in love with him."

"I believe you, I just needed to here it."

"I understand." Stevie nodded, also realizing that no matter how hard they tried, they will never fully move on from it.

They soon turned around, walking back to the hotel. When they entered the lobby, Mick, Christine and John were on there way to having cocktails. "Well, look at you two." Mick said. "Looking all relaxed and content. Care to join us for a few drinks?"

They looked at each other, then turned back to their fellow band members. "Sure." Lindsey replied, wrapping his arm around Stevie's waist, as they followed the Brits. 

If only things continued to progress so well...

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