Make it up to you

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After dinner, they decided on another bottle of wine and a platter of cheese and crackers to finish the lovely evening they had started. During their meal, the things they talked about, it felt more like it was two good old friends meeting up after years, not like a husband and a wife spending the evening together. Lindsey was constantly feeling guilty, now seeing just how much Stevie still needed him. It was all he ever wanted, for her to need him and when she did, he turned away, concentrating on something entirely else. What the therapist said, really made him think. If it's something they do together, it's always music, how could it not get tiring after almost fifty years? They should really explore and find what they both took a liking to. For example, what Stevie said about loving art and going to exhibitions, it wasn't that Lindsey didn't enjoy it, just that it was such a hassle going out in public. They could never spend the time in peace, there would always be people who would want a picture or an autograph, more from Stevie Nicks of course, but still. Yet, he was going to start taking this serious. If it mattered so much to her, then he wouldn't deny her anymore.

Back at home, Lindsey offered to open the wine and told Stevie to change into something more comfortable. He also lay out the snacks and lit up candles around their living room, putting on some soft music for the background. Stevie couldn't help but smile at his effort, when she finally joined him, already in her nightgown, very obviously with nothing else underneath.

"I like the atmosphere."

"I hoped you would." He patted the seat next to him, handing her a glass of wine. 

"I appreciate you trying, Linds, but you don't have to go out of your way."

"This is nothing, besides, I have to make it up to you for the past, what, three years? However long you've been unhappy..."

"No, it hasn't been that long. Um... It all went down hell after the previous tour. I couldn't understand what happened to us, did I do something wrong, you know? Did you lose interest, did you find someone else..."

"I can honestly say that I have never and never have I thought about doing that. I can't be sure you believe me, but I truly thought we were just fine. You'll hate me for saying this, but our marriage became a... a routine, for the lack of a better word. We're married, but we've also got our own thing. I didn't realize that if every once in a while I had brought you flowers and instead of trying to work out a melody, I said, sure honey, let's do what you want, we wouldn't even be having this conversation."

"Tell me, what am I doing wrong?" Stevie asked, sipping her wine, as she looked at him over the rim of the glass. "What caused this big gap between us?"

"I don't know if there's anything I could say to that. Really, Steph, you're the woman I've loved since I was a teenager. If anything I'm honored you're with me, after all these years. Maybe... and I say this with great love for the band, maybe I'm just tired, you know? We're not getting any younger, yet our schedules get more brutal with every tour. There's not much you want after flying around the world every two days and playing for thousands of people for three hours. I think I just started losing interest in everything, sadly, that had to include you too. You know me, you know that the best way I know how to relax is getting lost in my music. You sleep until noon and I go into my studio and mess around with my guitar for a few hours and it gives me the rest that I need."

"You've never told me that before." She said, slightly surprised. "I thought, if anyone, you were the one who is always up for a show."

"I am, I love what we do, but the truth is... every time we go out on that stage, before I follow Mick's drums into The Chain, I wonder, is this going to be my last time I'm ever in front of a crowd like this? I hate to, but I have to admit, I'm old." They both laughed lightly. "I am. I did say in one of the recent interviews that this will probably be Fleetwood Mac's last act. There's still so much to do, you know? Just like you, I want to get back to my own records, I don't have to play in front of twenty thousand people, I'll play clubs if I have to. I also have my wife to love." He said it so sincerely, it brought tears to her eyes, as he open his arm and she cuddled up by his side. "When was the last time we took a vacation? Together?... exactly, we can't remember. I know you want to just be an ordinary person, fly to Italy and spend a week there, strolling down those streets, with a camera in your hand. I want to do that with you. Just that... Fleetwood Mac has been on such a high, we don't have any time for those things."

"Why are you pressuring me in contributing for that album then?"

"Because I know we'd have to be together for that. And you would need me..."

"But I do, Lindsey. I always need you."

"Well, now I know that. I'm sorry." He spoke, mindlessly tangling his fingers in her loose hair. "Can I ask you?"

"Go ahead." 

"I know why you started that affair, but... why Don?"

"Honestly, it could have been anyone, but he called me about doing a duet on his new album and... we did that and went out to celebrate. One drink after another and it just... I woke up and it wasn't with you." Her lower lip trembled, she knew he was hurting, yet she was shocked at how well he was taking it. "He wanted me, that's all. He told me all the right things and I fell for it."

"Did you feel guilty? Did you regret it?"

"I knew it was wrong, but... I only regret it now."

Her honesty was painful to him, but he asked, he needed to know. "Is it over?"

"Yes. When we had that fight a couple of days ago, I... I saw him, for the last time."

"Did you..."

"Lindsey, please..."

"Okay, forget it." 

"I really am sorry."

"I know. Me too." He said, pressing his lips to her temple. 

"This is good what we're doing, right? Talking it all out."

"Absolutely. I wish we had done it sooner."

"Better late than never?"

"I suppose." He nodded, wishing to turn back time. "I do love you, never stopped."

"I love you, too." She looked up at him, with her red eyes, clearly having had cried through the whole time while they spoke, yet a small smile appeared on her lips. 

He brought his hand up, placing his palm on the side of her face, lowering his lips onto hers, as she let out a moan, not having him do such a thing in too long. There was a mutual feeling, this was where it would stop tonight, so they held onto each other for as long as they could.

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