Chapter Seven

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Yeah I realize things might've seemed like they were going to get weird what with the Children of Night, Moon, Lilith, Earth/vamps, werewolves, witches and faeries. BUT I promise they won't get involved--just mentioned. Well, if anything, maybe a warlock that summons something up.'s chapter seven!

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-Makayla Rayne


Chapter Seven

I was jumpy all during last hour. I started tapping my fingers again.

Dammit, I growled at myself. Stop that. You've never done it before--why start now?

However, while I tried to pay attention to Mr. Hamming's enticing speech on the Trail of Tears. And really, I tried to pay attention and act like it was all interesting and crap.

But I learned this all in--what?--the eighth grade. Cherokee Native American people were forced on an 800-mile walk from where they lived to Oklahoma in horrid conditions. Pretty straight-forward. and really, I couldn't be more interested. I happened to be Cherokee Native American. Like, one eighth though. My mom and dad both had the Native blood. In fact, my dad was pretty much half. Just not Cherokee. It was Black Foot Sioux and Choctaw.

I wanted to smack myself in the forehead. My thougts were veering left--and I mean far left. Like, into the next lane that wasn't even headed the same direction far left.

I'll kill you.

Those words seemed to reverberate in me, bouncing off the sides of my skull annoyingly.

Eventually, after a warning that we had a test in two days that was heard only by half the class, the bell rang, singaling the end of the day.

And for me, the start of a new world I'd heard about and seen part of, but never was really a reality.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I gathered my homework, checked through my classes twice for anything I had to study for and looked up in surprise at Michael.

"Hell," I muttered, a hand over my rapidly beating heart. "Must you appear out of nowhere?"

Michael grinned, green eyes lighting up. "Yes. I must. Oh but hey, if I were you I would neither dilly nor dally what with Jamis, Lord of Eerie and Threatening waiting on you outside."

"He's waiting already?"

"You've been rechecking your bag for about ten minutes. So yes, he's waiting."

"Screw you and your smart-ass mouth Michael."

He just grinned before disappearing again.

Jamis was waiting outside. He had an air about him--stiff and cold--that signaled he was annoyed. 

I sighed. "Okay, how long have you been waiting, honestly?"

"Well." He checked his watch. "Fifteen minutes."


He turned his head to look at me, eyes cold and flat. "Don't be. Our ride isn't here yet anyway."

"How long do they take?"

"About twenty minutes to half an hour. I suggest you get comfortable."

"Jeez, why so long?"

Jamis gave me another level, blank stare. "Our school gets out at the same time as others. Andy, our instructor, picks up us in order of closest school. And we live about an hour away. Add that to the three other schools and it takes a little bit for him to get here. Then he picks up one more after me."

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