Chapter Fourteen

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Oh my goodness gracious. First, I'd like to say how absolutely SORRY I am for not uploading sooner. I've had major writer's block and have been busy with all my honors classes homework and studying and practicing for competitive cheer...ugh, it just wasn't at the top of my priority list. And I repeat I AM SO SORRY!

BUT. I am back with Chapter Fourteen! Yay! The story line's actually starting now too! =)

Comment/Vote! Thanks!

-Makayla Rayne


Chapter Fourteen

"We are naught...but....dust...."

I gasped and bolted upright and realized it was a bad idea as I felt the headache coming. "Ugh," I grumbled then looked at my clock. Three AM.

"Ivy okay?" Limbo hissed softly, too snake-like to be a whisper.

"I had a bad dream. Sorry if I woke you up."

"Limbo doesn't sleep. Limbo slumbers."

My groggy brain couldn't make sense of what he said and I didn't try to make it think about it. "I'm going back to sleep now."

But I couldn't. No matter how hard I tried I simply could not go to sleep. First, I couldn't get comfortable, moving every few minutes. Then, when I finally got comfortable, my brain wouldn't rest.

The past few days I kept remembering more and more of the dream. It wasn't the same dream over and over again but it was like the same setting. A sequel to a book.

I could remember the forest, the voices, though I could barely remember two words they said.

Eventually, my alarm went off for school. But it didn't need to, I was still awake. Grudgingly, I dragged myself out of bed and forced myself to trudge down the stairs, feeling like I had fifty-pound weights attached to me.

"Whoa...morning Sleeping Beauty," Zane snickered. I didn't have the energy to hit him, so I just settled for a glare. It just caused him to snicker again then finish pouring milk into his huge bowl of cereal.

"I think it's hot," Axel said, opening the fridge door and almost hitting Zane in the face. "You know, I don't think you're looking at the whole picture Levi."

"I'm Zane," he muttered, but didn't sound like he really cared.

"Whatever. Anyway, we have the cute baby blue short cotton shorts, the school T-shirt. Like a college student taking break from studying. And our little Ivy studies so hard, doesn't she?"

"Axel?" I asked tiredly.


"Do you wish to have kids when you get older?"

"Uh...if I meet the right girl, if I'm mature enough. It all depends I guess."

"Then I suggest you shut up before I kick you where the sun don't shine and you won't have a choice."

He looked at me for a second then smirked and replied, "You're so hot when you threaten. You seem to forget the fact that I've been trained in multiple fighting styles since I was four. In other words, you don't scare me babe."

I gave a threatening smile and whipped my hand out, hitting the pressure point on his clavicle.

"Ow! Ow!" he said immediately. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry. I'll shut up!"

I let go. He gave me a grudging look of respect then walked around me to the table to eat his toast in silence.

"Everything okay in here?" Andreiovich asked, coming in with a couple of the boys following him.

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