Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen...hopefully this won't take me too long to upload.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!

-Makayla Rayne


Chapter Fifteen

When I came to I noticed two things--my lips felt weird, tingly, and there was pressure on my forehead.

I groaned and put my hand to my forehead on instinct. But instead of feeling my forehead, I felt someone else's hand.

I blinked a few times, the room swimming into focus. I looked up at the owner of the hand mine was on top of. It was Kyree, who looked frozen, staring at my hand on top of his.

"Kyree?" I asked.

He sucked in a breath, gently moving his hand out from under mine. Then he cleared his throat, looking down before looking back at me. "Are--are you okay Ive?"

"Um, yeah," I lied. I was freaked, I was shaking, I was burning up with a fever and felt like crap. And to make it worse the room was shifting like it was getting ready to spin again, making me feel like I wanted to throw up.

"That's--that's good I guess."

"Kyree are you okay?" I asked him, starting to sit up. "You look pale. You didn't faint too did you?"

"Me? Faint? Psh, it's like you don't even know me. I'm--I'm fine, I was just worried about you. We all were. And what the hell do you think you're doing? Lie back down, you still have a fever."

I obeyed, sinking back into the blankets. Then I studied Kyree as he put a washcloth into a basin of cold water, wringing it and then placing it on my forehead. "Kyree I don't think you're okay."

"What do you mean?"

"You've been stuttering. You never stutter."

"Is that so? Huh, funny, that. I really have no idea. Well, I guess I'll let you rest now."

"Wait." I caught his hand as he stood and turned. He froze. "Um, how did the case go?"

"I don't know. They're still gone."

" am I here?" Then I realized. "You took me."


"Why? The guys could use you. Someone else could've taken me home or just put me in the car and--"

"You really think any of us would've put you in the car?" he cut me off, turning back to me. "No. You felt like you were one thousand degrees. And the others wanted to take you home but...I wouldn't let them."

"Why not? You're not the only one that can drive."

"I know. So I stayed in the back with you and let Gentry drive." He sighed and turned back around. "Stay here. I'll get you something to eat, okay?"

I nodded and let go of his hand, but once he put his hand on the knob I asked, "Kyree?"

"Hm?" he asked without turning around.

"Did anyone do...CPR...on me?"

"CPR? No, you were breathing. Why?"

"My lips feel weird."

"Huh. Probably just the fainting that did that," he said, but his voice shook slightly in the end, giving him away.

He shut the door behind him and I sighed. "Limbo?"

"Yes Ivy?"

"Did Kyree by chance...nevermind."

"Yes," he told me. "What you think fried did Ivy. Should Limbo have stopped friend?"

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