17| Coffee

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The morning sun peeked through the window shining directly into my face causing me to stir. I was not ready to wake up. My entire body was sore and exhausted from last night and this stupid light was not helping me get any rest. It was frustrating so I turned away from it only to be met with something warm and firm.

Blinking I slowly opened my eyes to see what it could be only to be met with a nicely sculpted chest. A ferocious blush spread to my cheeks.

It was Jasper. He was still naked.

Taking in the entire situation I then noticed that I too was still naked. And not only that but I was wrapped up in his warm arms securely. I laughed to myself.

Dr. Andrews is a cuddler.

I leaned back as far as his arms would let me to take in the view.

Jasper's eyes were closed allowing me to see just how long his eyelashes really were as soft snores passed between his lips. His hair absolutely disheveled, moreso than normal, and his cheeks retained a sort of rosy color that I envied. The sunlight coming from the window cast a very nice light on all his handsome features. Once again my favorite form of Jasper changed. This sleepy, peaceful man naked and wrapped around me was my absolute favorite. He was so vulnerable and handsome. Not sexy, but handsome. I didn't want to tear into him, I wanted to just stand back and appreciate him. Okay maybe I wanted to tear into him a little. But I don't think anybody could really blame me.

How this man has changed my life in so many ways this past week I'm not sure I will ever return. I have never looked at a man the way I am now. I have never wanted to sleep with a man all consequences be damned until I met him. I never wanted to prove myself to someone so much until I met him.

He was the reason for my pain, my joy, my happiness, my anger, and so much more. I knew I wanted him, but now it was much more than physical. I wanted him in my life to keep making me feel like I can accomplish anything. I want him to take my side and stand up for me when I could not. I wanted his support that I rarely get from others. With him I am not irrelevant like my family sees me. He has made me a better version of myself, and I didn't want this to end.

Giving into my desires, slowly I reached my hand out to lightly trace his facial features that transfixed me trying not to wake him. He skin was warm and soft, still a little flustered from last nights activities. When my fingertips brushed the stubble of his jaw he stirred for a moment making me snap my hand back as if his skin burnt it. I didn't continue my exploration until he relaxed back into a slumber again.

I gently returned to tracing my fingers along his jaw going up to his forehead brushing aside some of his curls. Then I dipped back lower under his eyes noticing a small freckle. I rubbed it back and forth repeatedly as if I could erase it with my touch. With one finger I went down his nose, perfect as always although up close I can see a slight crook, and then finally landed on his lips, soft as petals. My mind got lost just staring at them.

This mouth can do many wicked things but also many kind things. They could spit fire and ease pain, bring out moans and bring out laughter. Tasting them never got old, but feeling them was even better. My fingertips went around and around taking in the soft texture.

Feeling them with my fingertips wasn't enough. I wanted to press my mouth against them, fully savoring them. However I wasn't sure he would like that when he's sleeping. I don't want to wake him up from his peaceful slumber either. And if I was honest with myself I wasn't finished taking in the view of him sleeping either.

I stopped tracing his lips to stare at them hungrily. Would he really get mad at me for waking him up? I'm not sure what the protocol is when waking up next to a man you just had wild sex with. Do I kiss him awake? Grab my things and go? Clean up his room? I don't read enough raunchy novels to know the stupid protocol!

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