Chapter 1

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Harry hated his life, he thought as looked at the array of tubes and jars of makeup lined up on the counter in front of him, but he needed all this to cover the multiple bruises on his face. He has became so adapt at using makeup he has even, at times, helped his sister. Taking a deep breath he grabbed some of the concealer and got to work. His dad was in top form last night and threw his punches where he knew they would show the most. Harry has also gotten good at knowing what to do to keep the swelling down so the daily beatings he was getting didn't get noticed at school. So far his secrect has remained hidden. His closest friends had no clue how his life at home was, only his sister did. And that was how 17 year old Harry wanted things to stay.

Things wasn't always bad for Harry Styles, yes he was raised without a mother, due to complications during his birth she never made it to see what a handsome young man he turned out to be. And very handsome he was, though he didn't think so, he was 6 foot 4 inches tall, making him tower over most other kids in his class, his chocolate brown hair hung down just a little past his shoulders in a mass of soft curls that most girls would kill for, but his most redeeming feature, the one that caused everyone girls and boys both to stare in awe, were his eyes. Harry's eyes were the most amazing color ever seen, most of the time they were a forest green color that would shimmer like emeralds. On some days, when the weather was gloomy, his eyes seemed to match the skies and turned to a smoky grey color, but no matter the color, his eyes beautiful eyes were always surrounded by the longest and thickest eyelashes ever seen on a guy.
The first 9 to 10 years of Harry's life seemed like any other boys, they had typical family outings, vacations and other things that happy family's tend to do. Then for some unknown reason Harry's hair started curling, he liked it. Even his sister liked it, she would tease him about all the girls he could get while doing their homework. And that's when thing came crashing down and life as they knew it changed forever. One night they were all sitting at the dinner table eating quietly talking about their day when, Gemma, Harry's sister mistakenly made the comment on how much he was starting to look like their mom. His dad slowly lifted his head and looked at him in a way he had never looked at him before and that confused him.

Well you could say Harry is not longer confused what that look meant. He stood every morning covering the results. He would hate to find out what his dad would do to him if he found out he was gay. Of course his sister knew, so did his two closest friends, Liam and Niall, but as far as he knew that was it. They may suspect it, but it was never confirmed. He has never had a relationship, male or female, he didn't think he was good enough for anyone. If someone drills in your head for past 7 years how worthless you are you tend to believe them.

Leaning closer the mirror, Harry checks to make sure all the bruises are properly covered. Then he grabs his hoodie and backpack and heads off to school.

"Hey, Styles." Liam says slapping Harry on the back causing him to wince when he hit a bruise his dad left the night before. "Hey you okay?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, just pulled a muscle helping Gem move furniture around last night, no big deal." Harry says waving Liam off. Over the years his lies are like breathing.

"Hey guys." Niall says walking up with a grin as always. "You coming to the game basketball game tonight?"

"Hell yeah." Liam says. "We win tonight we make it to the playoffs. And I hear Louis has been on fire lately, wouldn't miss it. What about you, H?"

"Not sure, I'll have text my sister later and see if my dad has something planned for us to do. I'll have to let you know." Harry states opening his locker to get his 1st period books out. He wanted to go to the game he kinda had a crush on the varsity player everyone was talking about. Hell a lot of kids in this school did, he was well known, not just for being the best player on the basketball team. He is also one of the nicest guy in school, he talked to everyone, it didn't matter who you were. Most popular kids weren't like that but Louis Tomlinson was and in Harry's eyes that made him special. Even though he didn't have a chance in hell with him, Harry happened to be the one person Louis has yet to speak to and that in Harry's mind cemented everything his dad has told him over the years.

On the way to class Harry absent-mindedly pushed the sleeves of his jumper up revealing a startling white bandage on his forearm. His sister was one of the best tattoo artists in the area and she was always giving him free tattoos. One because he would draw something so beautiful she would say it needed to be seen and admired by everyone, another is because it would help cover the bruises his dad left up and down his body.

"Damn, H, don't tell me you got another tat?" Niall says when he noticed the bandage.

Harry just shrugged not noticing Louis walking behind them. "Gem found one of my drawings yesterday and wouldn't stop pestering me till I let her add it to the collection already adding up on my arms."

Liam laughs. "Dude you're going to run out of space soon, you know that right. Why don't you just sell her your drawings and let her put them on someone else's body?"

Harry just smiles and says. "I still have my back, chest and legs to go, but I'll think about it."

Louis followed the three boys, listening to their conversation shamelessly. He knew Liam and Niall but not the other guy, though he has seen him around a lot, he just never got up the courage to speak to him. He knew his name, hell everyone did, all the girls talked about him. He doesn't blame them he is one of the most beautiful males he's ever seen in his life, and that is the reason he has never spoke to him, but listening to this conversation he just might have a reason to now. Louis also has many tattoos, and as he now knows it was Harry's sister that has done everyone, he doesn't trust anyone else with his body art. Hearing Harry say what he did Louis couldn't help but snort. The three guys in front of him turned at the sound.

"Oh, hey Louis." Niall smiles waving him forward to join the others. "You ready for tonight's game?"

"Sure am." Louis replies. "Are you all coming?" He asks looking at them all, raising an eyebrow at Harry.

"Oh, sorry. Louis, this is Harry Styles. Harry, Louis Tomlinson." Liam says making the proper introductions. The boys nod to each other and continue walking. "Yes, Niall and I will be at the game."

"What about you, Harry?" Louis asks politely. "You coming?"

Harry made his mind up right then and there, he didn't care if his dad damn near killed him for being so late. Louis Tomlinson just asked him to come watch him play and he would be damn if he was going to say no. "Yeah, I'm going." He says in his normal deep voice.

"Great." Louis smiles at Harry. "Well gotta go or I'll be late for class, see you guys later, yeah." He says with a wave.

Later that day, before going into the cafeteria for lunch Harry rushes into the boy's bathroom and calls his sister.

"Hey, bro you okay? You never call me during the day." Gem says as soon as she answers the phone.

"Yeah, Gem I'm good, listen I need a huge favor from you. I'm going to be late getting home tonight. And you know how dad is, can you please make sure he is drunk and passed out by the time I get home, start early as possible so he don't realize how late I am. You know I wouldn't ask this if it wasn't important."

"Oh, H, of course I will. You know I'll do anything for you. I love you. It makes me so angry I can't do anything to stop dad. You do whatever it is you're planning on doing tonight I'll take care of dad. Hopefully by tomorrow he won't remember shit and will go easy on you."

"I doubt it, he never does on weekends, Gem. And thanks I love you too." Harry says hanging up then making his way to the lunchroom to join his friends. What Harry didn't know was he wasn't alone. He was in such a hurry he forgot to check to see if the bathroom was empty. By the time he was done with his call the other person in the bathroom had heard just enough to make him want to learn more about this beautiful, tattooed boy.

Louis waited till he heard the door to bathroom close before he exited the stall he was in. He didn't know what the hell was going on, but he does know what he heard and it didn't sound good. This just made him more determined to get know the one Harry Styles. And by what he just heard Harry just might be in need of a really good friend, one better than he has now, even a gay one.

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