Chapter 11

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Once the boys got home and changed, Harry started cooking while Louis sat in the kitchen with him doing his homework. Harry loved to cook it was one thing he knew he was really good at, that and his art. Reaching over, Harry turned the radio sitting on the counter on, then continued adding all the special spices to the spaghetti sauce.

A few minutes after the music started filling in the quiet atmosphere around them, Louis closed his book and turned to see his boyfriend standing at the stove, his hips swaying to the beat to the song playing. Louis grins and stands, he quietly walks up behind Harry and places his hands on his hips, with his front against Harry's back Louis matched Harry's movements. Harry looked over his shoulder and saw a grinning Louis, he then reached up and tuned the burners on the stove down, turning he wraps his arms around Louis neck while Louis wraps his around Harry's waist lacing his fingers together at the small of his back, and they continued to sway together quietly. That was how Gemma found them a few minutes later when getting home from work.

"As much as I love seeing my dear brother happy." Gemma says from the doorway. "And this does paint a damn cute picture. I'm hungry, and can't cook worth shit. So is that heavenly smell gonna be done soon or am I going to have to call out for pizza?" She asks.

Harry smiled as he raised his head and kissed Louis cheek. "It's almost done, just got distracted."

"Kinda noticed." Gemma chuckled. "I'll set the table while you finish that if Lou wants to get the drinks."

Louis patted Harry's hip and walks to the fridge. "I'm on it." He smiled.

After they finished the amazing supper Harry cooked, Louis told him he would clean up since he cooked and Gemma worked all day, for him to go take his shower and they would watch a movie when they were done. Louis was just putting the last dish in the dishwasher when he heard Harry let out a scream, the dish hit the floor shattering, and Louis was up the stairs in seconds trying to get into the bathroom where Harry was. Gemma was crying because of the noises coming from Harry in the locked room, Louis finally just kicked the door down and froze at the sight in front of him.
Harry was standing on the toilet and on the floor coiled up in front of him was a hissing snake making a rattling sound.

"Gemma, back away slowly and find me a blanket." Louis tells her quietly. He then looks Harry over closely to make sure he hasn't been bitten. "Babe? That thing didn't strike at you did it?"

Harry stepped up on the sink counter to get further out of striking range. "It tried." Harry answered, his voice shaking. "I held my towel up and blocked it." He said.

That's when Louis realized Harry was completely nude. If the wasn't such a scary scene he would surely appreciate this opportunity a lot more.

"Here, Louis, it's the thickest blanket I could find." Gemma says handing him what he requested.

Louis nodded his thanks and shook the blanket out, holding it in front of him. He then took a few steps closer and threw it over the snake and scooped it up. Looking around Louis sees the belt to Gemma's robe hanging on a hook beside him so he grabs it and ties around the blanket turning it into a sack.
"Call the cops, rattle snakes don't just appear in people's bathrooms, and they aren't found in this area at all. Your dad has been here." Louis tells them.

Gemma nods and walks away to do that, Louis puts the bagged up snake in the hallway and helps Harry off the counter. He hugs him. "You okay? Your shaking." He asks him.

"That thing scared the shit out of me. When it came slithering out of the cabinet I thought I was dead." Harry cried, hugging Louis tight, with his face buried in Louis' neck.

"Shhh, it's fine now. Why don't you get dressed before the cops get here, as much as I enjoy the sight, I don't want anyone else seeing at my beautiful boyfriend looking quite like this." Louis tells Harry.

Harry blushes and nods, then reaches for his clothes. Once he's dressed he and Lou go down stairs and wait for the cops to show up so they can report what happen and get rid of the snake.
Once Harry was done telling the cops what happen, they explain they were on look out for his dad and were doing constant patrols in the area, they took the snake and left.

"Well, that was so not fun." Gemma sighs. "I think I'm gonna head off to bed now that I know everything is safe. I'll see you guys in the morning." She says covering a yawn as she heads up the stairs.

"Night, Gem." Harry and Louis say at the same time. Gemma just waves and continues walking.

"You want to head to bed to, or watch something on TV for a while?" Louis asks Harry.

"Why don't we just lay here and watch whatever is on for a while." Harry replies.

Louis nods and grabs the remote to the TV. Leaning back on the couch, he pulls Harry to him. For some reason that snake episode scared him more than it should have and he couldn't seem to keep his hand off his boyfriend right now. Not that Harry seemed to mind if the way he snuggled up to him was any indication. Finally deciding on watching a rerun of Dr. Who Louis puts the control down and wraps his arms around Harry and gets comfortable. It wasn't long till they were both drifting off to sleep.
Louis is woken up to a sharp pain in his side and a sound he's not used to hearing right in his ear, turning slightly he felt Harry's frantic movements beside him on the couch and heard more whines and whimpers coming from him while he slept. Sitting up, Louis carefully pulls Harry onto his lap and starts kissing him awake.

"Shh, love. You're fine. I've got you." Lou whispers softly. "Harry, please wake up." Lou cried as he rocked the boy in his arms.

Harry wakes up to Lou rocking him and then he felt a tear drip onto his cheek. Raising his head slightly he sees the tears on Lou's face. Lifting his hand he carefully wipes them off. "Don't cry for me, Lou. I'm not worth it." He mumbles still half asleep.

"Don't say that." Lou says burying his face in Harry neck. "You are worth every tear I shed and more. I love you Harry, I don't know what I would do if I lost you now." He whispers.

Harry wraps his arms around Louis waist. "I'm not going anywhere. I love you too, Lou." He whispers back. "I don't think I could survive this without you here with me."

Louis stands with Harry still in his arms and starts carrying him up the step. "Well I guess it's a good thing I'm never leaving your side then. You're stuck with me forever." Louis says as he lays Harry on his bed and climbs in beside him.

"Forever is a really long time." Harry grinned.

"Not long long enough." Louis sighs as he kisses Harry.

"Lou, love me." Harry begs.

"I do love you Harry. More than anything in this world." Louis replies.

"No! Lou make love to me now. I want you now." Harry cries.

"Oh babe, no. We cant. You're not well enough." Lou hugged the still hurt Harry to him. "God Haz, I want to, so bad. I want to show you in every way possible how much you mean to me, but I don't want to rebreak your ribs, it's just to soon. I'm so sorry." Lou cried.

"Next weekend, no matter what." Harry begged. "Please Lou, I want you so bad. One week." Harry says wiping Lou's tears away once again.

Louis nods. "I promise, next weekend. And I'll make it the best I can, Haz. I love you. Now sleep." Lou says kissing him again and pulling him close.

"I trust you Lou. And I love you too." Harry whispers as he snuggles into Lou arms.

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