Chapter 5

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Louis enters his home and heads straight for the stairs that will take him to his room yelling as he went. "Mom, my room, now please. It's urgent. And bring the first aid kit."

Gemma shakes her head at the ease in which Louis carries her brother. He isn't a small guy, but then looking up at Louis, neither is he, and she sure is glad he's here. She watches as he gently lays Harry on his bed and starts working on getting his bloody shirt off him. Once that was done and Gemma saw the damage done to her younger brother body she bursted into tears.
Liam and Niall knew they wouldn't be much help right now so they grabbed her and took her out of the room just as an older lady, Louis' mom they assume, runs in.

"Oh dear." She gasps when she sees Harry lying on her sons bed. Then she goes into nurse mode. "Okay son, I'll start cleaning his face, you get those pants off him. I need to know what I'm working with here. Do you know what the hell happen to this poor boy?"

Louis nodded and told his mom what he suspected. "I don't think he's eaten anything sence the pizza we had before the game Friday night either, he's been locked in a basement all weekend. He hasn't woke up sence we found him, mom, you have to help him, please." Louis says finally breaking down and crying.

"Son, calm down, okay. Go get one of your friends to bring us some ice, a cup of water and a straw. We need to get some fluids in this poor child, he's probably dehydrated." Louis nodded and did as his mom, Jay, told him.

It took both Jay and Louis an hour to get Harry cleaned up and dress him in some of Louis pajama pants. Jay figured Harry had at least 2 maybe 3 broken ribs, which they wrapped. She was currently in the kitchen fixing some soup for the boy to drink when he wakes up while Louis, his sister and the other 2 boys were up stairs with Harry keeping an eye on him.
Jay could never figure out how anyone could have kids then treat them like trash. They had went through that with Zayn years ago and it just broke her heart. And that boy upstairs was such a handsome young man, and Louis seems to really care about him. For his sake she hopes he's wakes up soon and is okay, well and for his beautiful sister. Poor girl hasn't stopped crying sence they arrived.


Louis sat on his bed with a straw filled with water in his hand, he was slowly letting the water trickle out of the straw so it could seep between Harry's swollen lips. Everyone else was still sitting in various places in the room watching quietly. When suddenly a low moan broke that silence causing everyone to jump. Louis put the straw back in the glass of water as he and Gemma both grabbed his hands. Liam and Niall moved to stand at the foot of the bed.

Louis nodded at Gemma. "Harry?" She whispered softly. "Can you hear me? Open your eyes bro, please."

Harry heard his sister, but he didn't understand why she sounded so worried and like she has been crying. Then he remembered he had been locked in the basement. He groaned again. Then he panicked because he didn't have any memory of his dad letting out of the basement, suddenly his eyes fly open and he try to sit up in the bed only to have a sharp pain cut through his side. A soft yet strong hand pushes on his shoulder making him stay still.
Harry looks around, the first person he sees is his sister, she's holding his hand and has tears rolling down her face. Next is Liam and Niall standing at the foot of the bed, looking like worried brothers. Last is a total shock and that is Louis, he was sitting on the bed holding his other hand, but what shocked him the most was the tears he saw in his eyes. He didn't know what to think about that. So he just gave his hand a gentle squeeze and got one in return.

"Where am I at?" He asks looking around the room.

"The guys here noticed you weren't at school this morning and got worried. They showed up at the house just as I got home from work. Dad left you lock in the basement Harry. He fucking forgot about you." Gemma cried. "Louis broke the door, carried you out and brought you here, to his house. Harry, we can't go back I don't care what you say. Dad will kill you if this keeps up."

"Gem where will we go? You know as well as I do he will find us. He did the last time we ran." Harry told her. "Why do you think I put up with his shit? He told me if we leave again that he will do this." He waved at himself. "To you, I can't and won't let that happen. I would rather take a beating 100 times worse than this than let him touch one hair on you."

"Harry, you can't go back. Not in the shape you're in now. You have at least 2 broken ribs, you get hit again it could do serious damage." Louis says rubing his thumb over Harry's knuckles. "I'm sure my mom will let you both stay here till you're healed."

Harry knew he had to end this now, he couldn't put this family at risk. Excpecially not Louis, not his Louis, and if that meant hurting him now, so be it. "Why the fuck do you care, you're just the school faggot, looking for an easy score. I'm not even gay." He yells jerking his hand from Louis'. Causing the jaws on the other 3 faces to drop at the huge lie he just told. "Even if I didn't go home I wouldn't stay here, I don't trust you not to try something." Harry continued, trying to ignore the tears now streaming down Louis face. He looked at the shocked faces of his friends. "Guys get me out of here please. I don't want to catch what he has." He sneered.

At hearing that Louis jumped up and ran out of the room, silent tears rolling down his cheeks.

"What the fuck Harry?" Liam says in a shocked voice.

"Shh, get me out of here before he comes back. I'll explain later. Please guys?" Harry begged, now in tears himself.

Gemma ran down the steps to her car while Niall and Liam helped Harry out of bed and down the stairs. Within minutes they were speeding away from the Tomlinson home with a sobbing Harry laying in the backseat with his head in Niall's lap. Not knowing what else to do Gemma went to the tattoo parlor she worked at, Ink It, she parked in the back and helped Harry up to the apartment she used on weekends.

Liam and Niall eased Harry onto the couch trying not to hurt him to much, while Gemma was was in the kitchen fixing him something to eat knowing he was starving. Sitting the food and drink in front of her brother she sat beside him. "Eat, drink and explain what the fuck just happened, and why you said what you did to one of the sweetest guys, that just happen to risk dad's fury, that you know?"

Harry looked at his sister with red rimmed eyes and started explaining his reason for the harsh words he just yelled at the amazing Louis Tomlinson. "Gem, I just can't have him in danger. Dad doesn't know I'm gay, if he finds out I'm dead, you know that. Guys." He says looking at Liam and Niall. "I'm sorry I never told you guys about any of this. It been going on so long I guess I've gotten good at hiding it."

"Harry if it's this bad you need to report him. Call the cops. He locked you in the basement with no food or water for 3 fucking days for Christ's sakes." Niall cries. "Nobody deserves that, excpecially not you, you're an amazing guy."

"I'm not though." Harry yells ignoring the pain running throughout his body. "I'm ugly, to tall and skinny, stupid a hell, and have no talent. Who the hell would want someone like me?"

Gemma gasped at hearing her brothers rant. "No talent? Harry how the hell can you say that?" She yelled back waving at his still shirtless torso. "Just look at yourself, 99% of the tattoos you have is your own art work. If that isn't talent I don't know what is. And you are smart, even with everything dad puts you through, you still maintain a 4.0 gpa."

Liam spoke up and added. "Plus, you really need to start paying attention to what people are saying around you. All the girl at school talk about how gorgeous you are. Hell most of the guys I know are tired of hearing the girls talk about you."

Harry didn't know what to say, he wasn't used to hearing good things being said about him. Yeah, Gemma, did all the time she was his sister, the the other two were just his friends. They didn't have to say the things they were.

"Harry." Gemma says taking his hand in hers. "I know Louis, he isn't like most of the other guys you will meet, he is really one of the nicest guys around. I think he's is worth the risk. You need to talk to him, tell him why you said what did. Maybe it's not to late."

"I don't know Gem, what are we gonna do about dad? As soon as he get home and sees that door." He didn't finish that statement. "He knows about this place, Gem, we're not safe here."

"I have money, Harry, lots of it." Gemma says. "My job pays really well, you know that. We can find a place to hide for a while. This can't happen again, he might kill you next time. But, Harry, you have to talk to Louis, please. He's good for you."

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