Chapter 4

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Harry wakes the next morning to the worse headache he's ever had in his life. He goes to roll over and the stabbing pain that hits his body has him freeze. That's when everything from the night before comes rushing back to him.
After Louis dropped him off he slowly made his way into the house. Thinking he made it safely was a huge mistake, as soon as his foot hit the bottom step, his dad grabbed a hand full of his hair, jerked his head back and asked in a menacing voice. "Just where the hell have you been all night boy?"
Harry knew right then he was fucked, his dad didn't even give him a chance to answer, he just started hitting him. He does remember at one point being thrown down and kicked several times. And the verbal insults this time were worse than ever, his dad, Greg, even called him a faggot. Harry hoped he didn't know that for sure or he would surely kill him.
Harry slowly started moving inch by inch to access what the damage was. When he was sure he was able to sit up, he realized he was in the basement. "Well fuck", he thought "I'll be here all weekend with no food". Harry crawled over to wall and leaned against it raised his hand and prayed his dad hasn't cut his hair. He has threatened to on many occasions he just hasn't ever carried that thread out yet. When his hands reached his head he sighed in relief to find his long locks still in tact, then he did the only thing left to do. He got as comfortable as he could and sat there and waited for his dad to let him out.

Harry had no idea how long he had been sitting in the dark, cold basement when suddenly he heard a familiar chirp and saw a square light coming from his phone a few feet away. "Well I'll be damn." He muttered in surprise, his dad usually took his phone so he couldn't contact Gem to help him. As quickly as he could Harry crawled to his phone and looked at it. He saw a message from Louis.

Louis: Hey, Harry, thought if you weren't doing anything today we could hang out. Let me know. ☺

Harry wanted to cry. He didn't want to tell Lou he couldn't, hell he wanted to get to know him more. Hell maybe it would be better to end this now before it goes to far. He doesn't want Lou to get hurt. Besides he wasn't worth the trouble. He will tell him Monday at school. Even he has enough class to say something like this face to face not over a text.

Harry: Hey Lou. Kinda tied up right now. Dad has me in the basement working on some things. If I'm free later I'll let you know.

That was as about as truthful as he could get right now.

Louis: That's fine I'll see Monday. Have a nice weekend.

Harry: Thanks Lou, you too x.

Damn why did I send that damn kiss at the end of that text, that was so stupid of me, Harry thought maybe he won't think to much of it. I'll just go into school Monday tell him we will never work and walk away. I don't owe him or anyone else any explanations.
For the rest of the weekend Harry drifted in and out of sleep, only able to keep up with the time of day by using his phone. He would have called Gem for help, but so far his dad has left her alone, he wanted to keep it that way.

When Monday rolled around and he still wasn't let out of the basement he was starting to worry. His dad never let him miss school. Hell maybe this was it, his dad was finally going to kill him, he would just die of starvation here in the basement. Shaking his head Harry laid down and went back to sleep.

When Louis arrived to school Monday morning the first thing he did is start looking for the tall, cute, curly haired boy. Not seeing him, he decided to go to his locker and catch him there. He found Liam and Niall but no Harry.

"Hey guys, you seen Harry?" He asks them.

"No. And this isn't like him." Liam responds. "Harry hasn't missed a day of school sence grade school, his dad won't allow it, I do know that much."

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