Chapter 6

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Louis sat there shocked, stunned, but mostly hurt hearing the words spewing from Harry's mouth. He really couldn't believe or understand what he was hearing. After everything that happened Friday, excpecially at the pizza place, this just didn't make sence. But the look of disgust on his face as he spit out that last sentence had Louis running out of the room sobbing in tears. He just couldn't stay in there any longer and take that kind of abuse.
Louis slammed the door to Zayn's room, threw himself on his bed and sobbed. He had no idea how long he laid there, when suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head and saw his mom sitting there. Well she wasn't his real mom, she was his step mom, but she has been in his life for so long, he quit calling her Jay years ago. He loved this woman more than anything in this world, and he knew she loved him.

"Hun, what happened? Why are you in here and why did your friends leave so quickly?" She asks quietly.

Louis just shakes his head and tells her what happen, tells her what Harry had said. "I don't get it, everything seemed to be going good Friday, mom. He was showing signs that he liked me as much as I like him. Then he says all that, why would he do that?" Lou asks sitting up next to Jay.

Jay hugs Lou to her. "I don't know, son, but if I were in his shoes and I was falling for someone like you, I would be so scared for their safety. I think, I would do the best I could to keep him safe and that, would more than likely keep him as far from me as possible. Think about it, have you ever seen him with a girlfriend in school or any type of relationship at all for that matter." Jay asks.

Lou shakes his head. "No, never. He talks to Liam and Niall maybe a few others but that's about it. He pretty much keeps to himself. Hell even the girls in school call him the mysterious Harry Styles."

"I know what he said to you hurt, I'm not down playing it, but if he cares for you, I'm sure it hurt him just as much to say those things. Promise me to give it time, Lou, don't give up on him. I honestly believe he's worth saving." Jay whispers to him.

Lou nods, gives her a hug and returns to his room. Looking around he sees Harry's forgotten clothes so he gathers them up and strip his bed of the bloody sheets so he can wash everything and remakes his bed. "Might as well take a nap" he thought. School was already half over, he would come up with a good excuse why he missed today later.
As he drifted off to sleep his last thought were of Harry, hoping he was safe.


It seemed like it took Harry forever to get into a comfortable position on the couch in the apartment over the tattoo parlor, but he was finally starting to drift off when he thought he heard the door open. It was so quiet though it could have been anything, so he ignored it. He shouldn't have, the next thing he knew he was on the the floor and sever pain was radiating throughout his body he had no choice but to scream out. When he did that Gemma, Liam and Niall came running into the room to find his dad standing over him.
They all froze instantly, not liking the look on Greg's face.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Gemma asks bravely.

Greg raises his head to look at her with dead eyes. "Someone broke my door, and this piece of shit is going to tell me who did it. Even if I have to beat it out of him, so stay out of this Gem."

"I busted the door down Mr. Styles." Liam says hoping it will help Harry.

"Son, I said Harry here has to tell me. And I will know if the faggot lies or not, so speak up you little bastard." Gray says kicking Harry in the side causing him to cry out.

While this was going on Niall snuck into one of the other rooms and called the cops. He just couldn't stand to see what was happening to his friend. Plus he didn't think Harry could withstand another beating. When he got back to the living room he watched in horror as Harry's dad balled up his fist and hit Harry repeatedly. Harry curled up to try and protect himself the best he could, but kept his mouth shut not ratting his friends out.

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