Chapter 15

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Harry was pacing back and forth in his room, biting on his thumb nail, with a worried look on his face. This was the first time sence he got out of the hospital months ago that Louis wasn't by his side, and he didn't like it.

"Harry, stop chewing on your nails." Gemma fusses at her brother. "What's wrong with you?"

Harry stops and looks at his sister. "What if he's not here? Gem, what if Lou decided I'm not worth the risk?" Harry asks with tears threatening to spill over.

"Is that what you think? Come on Haz, Lou loves you. Of course he's here." Gemma says hugging Harry.

Just then they hear a knock on the door, then Liam and Niall walk in. "Hey bud, you about ready? Lou is having a fit, told his dad he was going to kill someone if he didn't get to see you in the next 5 minutes." Niall laughs.

"Judge Matthews told us to come get you, said he'd hate to put your new husband in prison for murder." Liam adds.

At hearing that Harry relaxes some and smiles. "Yes, I'm so ready, let's go." Harry says grabbing Gemma's hand pulling her out of his room. When he got to the kitchen Jay was standing there smiling.

"Oh, Harry, you look so handsome." Jay says giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll head out now and have Zayn start playing his guitar. When you hear the music you can come out." She says with tears in her eyes. "Love you hun." Jay says before slipping out the door with Liam and Niall following her.

Harry turns and looks at his sister. "I love you so much Gem, thank you for being here for me all these years." Harry says pulling his sister to him. "I couldn't do this without you by my side."

"Oh, Haz, I love you too, and there's no way I would have left you to deal with any of this on your own." Gemma says as she wipes away a tear. "Now let's go get you married."
An hour later Harry and Louis was found giving Jay and Mark hugs for the wedding present they had just given them, which were 2 round trip ticket to California for the week.
Jay laughs. "You can call it your spring break/honeymoon vacation." She smiles. "Now Gem has packed Harry's bag and I took care of yours Lou, so you two get out of here before you miss your fight." Jay says giving both boys another hug.

And that's just what the two boys did, they loaded up Louis' car and took off to the airport. After spending a week in California, returning home and having to go back to school sucked, but Louis and Harry both knew they only had a few more months to go until graduation then they were free to do as they wanted.

Harry sat in the chairs behind the home team's bench and watched as Louis ran out onto the floor to warmup before the game was to start. Harry was so proud of his husband, Louis had gotten a 4 year scholarship to play basketball in college. While he did that and earned a degree in physical education, Harry had gotten an academic scholarship to the same college and studied art, Harry was now teaching art during the off seasons at a local after school program for under privileged kids. The rest of the time he traveled with Louis, not wanting to be to far from him when he was on the road. Louis had been drafted to a pro basketball team his senior year of college, he was the first openly gay player to ever be drafted to an NBA team.

"Look, Dacy, Darcy, there's daddy." Harry tells his and Louis' 3 year old twins. Gemma was nice enough to be a stand in for them and ended up giving them 2 of the most adorable twins any 2 parents could ask for. With them using Louis' sperm and Gemma's eggs the twins ended up looking like a little of both Louis and Harry. Both kids had Louis' hair color but Harry's curls, Dacy had Lou's blue eyes and Darcy had Harry's green eyes.
Seeing their daddy both kids squealed, clapped their hands and cried out. "Daddy." Drawing several eyes in their direction.

When Louis heard his kids call out he turns and looks over toward the sideline. Jogging to where they were sitting, he leans down and kisses each child on the cheek but kisses Harry on the mouth. "I love you all." Louis says loud enough for everyone around them to hear.

"Love you too, Lou." Harry smiles and watches as Louis jogs back onto the court.

"We always show up for the mushy stuff." Gemma laughs as she and Jack sits down beside Harry. Gemma had hired Jack to help out in the tattoo shop about 6 months after Harry and Louis got married, they started dating shortly after that. Jack was by Gemma's side the whole time she was pregnant with Louis and Harry's twin and Harry loved him for that alone. Gemma takes Dacy and sets him on her lap. "Lou ready for this game? This is the final one isn't it?" She asks her brother.

Harry nods. "Yeah, it's even right now, each team has won 3 games apiece. Lou's glad they have home court advantage though, the Bulls are a good team and are hard to beat." Harry tells Gem and Jack. "Lou really wants to win this one, that way he retires on a high, with a championship to his name."

"He so good though and still young, why doesn't he just keep playing for a few more years?" Jacks asks Harry.

"He's tired of the traveling, he's missing out on to much with the kids." Harry says. "He's ready to just settle down and start teaching somewhere. Perfereably at home close to our family."

And that's exactly what happened, Louis was once again so focused on his task at hand he sank one 3 pointer after another and his team won by a record breaking 58 points. Louis was named the MVP of the game, and during the press conference he announced his retirement, letting everyone know he was going home where he belongs with his husband and kids. Six months later he surprised Harry with the news of wanting more kids.
So within the next 6 years Harry and Louis adopt 3 more adorable kids to add to their family, and raise all 5 of them in their home town in a large home Louis built them.

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