Chapter 3

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Harry was sitting in the stands with Liam and Niall waiting for the game to start when Zayn, Louis' step brother, came up and sat down with them. "Hey guys, keep an eye out for number 6 on the opposing team. He has it out for Lou." He tells them.

Harry leaned forward a bit so he could hear what was being said but let the other do all the talking as usual. "Why? What does he have against him?" Liam asks.

"The rankings for the state came out this morning and Louis is ranked higher than him. I know one of his teammates, nice guy, says he's pretty pissed about it. Hopefully he won't do anything stupid but who knows." Zayn sighs.

"Have you tried warning Louis so he can be on guard? Just in case." Niall asks.

Zayn shakes his head. "Just got here, I thought I would do that when they come out for warm up."

Without saying a word Harry stands up and walks down the stands and heads toward the locker room. Once there he looks around for Louis, when he spots him he walks up to him. "Hey can I speak to you for a sec?" He whispers to him.

Louis is a little surprised to see Harry in the locker room but happy too. "Sure, come over here, its more private." Lou says pulling Harry to a more secluded spot. "What's up?"

"Zayn was just telling us that one of the opposing team members is gunning for you. Number 6, I thought you should know, so you can watch him. I don't want you to get hurt out there." Harry says.

"Oh, wow, thanks for coming in here to tell me. Oh and I was wondering, if you could wait for a few after the game." Louis smiled slightly. "You know if we win we will be going to the playoffs, but anyway I'd like to take you home if that's okay."

There was a lot of emotions running through Harry right then but the main one was fear. Yeah his friends knew where he lived but they never came over that often just drop off or pick up. They never ever went in, but this was different he wanted a relationship with Louis, so what the hell, he was going to risk it. "Sure, I'll wait. I'd love a ride home, thanks."

"Great, I'll see you after the game." Louis nodded.

Harry nodded back and left the locker room and returned to his seat in the stands. Once he was sitting Niall just smiles and asks. "How's Louis?"

"Fine, and aware of the situation." Harry replies.

Zayn knew of Harry, he had a few classes with him but they didn't talk much. Looks like that might change now, if he cared enough for his brother to warn him of possible harm. Yes he thought of Lou as a true brother. They have lived together sence they were 3 years old, been through a lot together. Zayn's dad wasn't the nicest guy in the world and for the first few years after his mom and Louis dad got together, and he would spend weekends with his dad he would come home all bruised. Lou was the only one who knew. Out of fear and love for his new brother he finally told the adults what was happening, and now Zayn and Lou were closer than most real brothers were. There is nothing Zayn wouldn't do for Lou, and if it turns out Harry is someone special to him, then Zayn would be there for Harry too.
"Thanks Harry." Zayn says just as Louis leads the team out for their warm ups.

Harry just nods not taking his eyes off Louis. He could sit here all night and watch him, he was just so magical on the floor. Everything he did seemed so effortless and graceful. No wonder he was one of the best in the state.

They won!! It was a hard fought game, but if it wasn't for Louis and his amazing skill and sinking a 3 pointer at the last seconds, all could have been lost. And number 6, Butch Tucker, well he got kicked out of the game for a technical foul. Everyone thought Louis was hurt when that happen, he had landed on the floor hard and wasn't getting up. Harry was out of his seat and taking a step, the only thing stopping him was Zayn's hand on his belt and a whisper telling him to wait, Harry didn't want to wait though his whole body was tense and ready to spring across the floor to Louis side. Then slowly Louis was moving, he sat up looked up, smiles at Harry, winks, stands, waves to the crowd and goes back to playing like nothing happen. Zayn lets Harry go and he sat down and relaxed.
Now here he was all tense again but for a different reason. Harry was sitting in Louis' car giving him directions to his house. He just hoped like hell his dad was dead drunk. He knew he would have hell to pay tomorrow but he just might slip by tonight, he hoped.

"Right here on the right." Harry tells Louis.

Louis parks on the street not wanting to pull in the driveway causing his headlights to shine in the windows and wake anyone up. Louis turns and looks at Harry. "Thanks for coming to the game, and the warning before hand. That hit was hard but if I hadn't seen him coming it would have been 10 times worse."

"Took you long enough to get up, had me worried." Harry whispers in the dark interior on the car.

"Dramatic effect, sorry." Louis chuckles.

"Fuck, well don't do that again, scared me shitless. I almost brained Zayn for keeping me from coming to you." Harry smiles. "Well I guess I need to go in. I'll see you Monday at school."

"Yeah, oh hey. Do you want me to pick you for school Monday? I don't mind at all." Lou asks.

"I'll text you and let you know. Gem doesn't work on Mondays and some times I use her car. Oh and here I drew this while we were waiting for the game to start." Harry says handing Louis the drawing of a dagger.

Louis turned the paper so he could see it from the light coming from the moon. "Oh my God. Harry this is amazing. Thank you. I'll call and make an appointment with Gemma as soon as the playoffs are over."

Harry shrugs. "You're welcome. Thanks for the ride." He says exiting the car. He waited for Louis to leave before he quietly opened the door.

Louis drove away wishing he had kissed those pink, plump lips of Harry's, but he didn't want to rush things either. They just started talking to each other today. Hard for him believe he never tried before, but for some reason Harry always seemed so closed off and mysterious. Louis just wanted to know the real Harry Styles. Not the person he shows on the outside, on the cover, no Louis wants to read deeper. Turn ever page learn more by going chapter by chapter. The only problem was, Lou had a feeling they would both get hurt with him doing that. It scares him, but he also feels Harry is worth the pain. Damn he needs to talk to Zayn.

Louis walks up to Zayn's door and lightly knocks on it, not wanting to wake him if he's asleep. The door opens almost right away. "I was wondering when you was going to get here." Zayn says moving to one side giving Lou room to enter.

Lou walks over and sits in Zayn's desk chair and puts his elbow on his knees. "Guess you knew I would want to talk, huh."

"Yeah, so Harry?" Zayn questions.

Lou looks at his fingers and shrugs. "Don't know, Z, there is just something about him. Today is the first time I talked to him. He intrigues me. Something about him draws me to him for some reason. I just want to know more about him. Does that sound crazy?" Lou asks looking up for the first time.

"No, not crazy at all." Zayn says. "Let me tell you what I noticed. When you went down, during the game, it was all I could do to hold Harry back. And let me tell you, he's a big guy, that wasn't easy to do. Now I wasn't sure, what he was planning to do, at first. Kill Butch, or come to you. I just told him to wait and see what you did before panicing, when he saw you start to sit up he sat down." Zayn explained. "But he didn't fully relax until you smiled at him and waved, I really believe he likes you too."

"That's good." Lou sighed, but then went on to explain to Zayn what he over heard earlier in the day. "I'm not really sure what it all meant, other than his dad has a drinking problem, maybe, but I fear it's more than that. I mean why would he want him passed out so he could stay out later than usual."

"I'm not sure Lou, but if it is what I think you're thinking all you can do is wait for him to open up to you about it. And then be there for him. You said so yourself, you just started talking to him today. This may take time, you can't rush him or you may push him away." Zayn tells Lou placing an arm around his shoulders.

"I know, I just really like him." Lou sighs.

"I can tell, just take it slow, and show him you care and that you will be there for him. He will come to trust you, he's showing the signs already Lou, be patient, okay." Zayn says.

Lou nods gives Zayn a hug and walks to his own room to get ready for bed. Once he's lying down he can't help but wonder if Harry is okay. He looked really nervous about going into his own home and that worried him.

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