Chapter 12

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After the snake incident the rest of the week went by quickly. Louis woke Harry up every morning he same way, soft touches, kisses all over his face, and whispered words of love. Harry would return those actions and day by day he was starting to believe everything his amazing boyfriend told him. He wasn't a piece of shit, a waste of space, worthless or any of the other bad things his dad ever said to or about him. For the past week after school while Louis was practicing for the playoffs Harry would be working out, trying to get stronger.
Lou and some of his other teammates had set Harry up with a routine that would help him regain his strength back, most of the time Liam, Niall and Zayn would be with him so he wouldn't be alone in the weight room while Louis would be in the gym. They would then all meet up and either go to Harry's and he would cook or they would go and grab some food and take it to Gemma to the tattoo shop and eat with her on the nights she was working late.
On this particular day though Gemma was taking off work early, everyone was meeting at the pizza place in town along with the entire basketball team for a quick meal before the playoffs. Not only was the whole team there but so was Louis family, Liam, and Niall. What Louis liked the most was everywhere you looked were also cops, sitting around in plain clothes to blend in, just in case Harry and Gemma's dad decided to show up and cause problems.

"So you win the playoffs what are you going to do to celebrate?" Liam asks Louis.

"The first thing I'd like to do is get the tattoo of this picture I've been hanging onto for weeks now." Louis says, winking at Harry. "But I'm doing that even if we don't win so I'm not sure." Louis adds as he lightly pats Harry's leg under the table.

Harry grabs his hand and threads their fingers together. "What about you Harry?" Niall asks. "You have anything special planned if your boyfriend wins tonight?" He asks.

Harry shrugs. "I might have the ingredients at the house for his favorite meal, and might be planning on cooking it." Harry grinned. "But I'll probably do that anyway, just because." Harry smiles. Only he and his Lou knew what they were really planning and they planned to keep it that way.

They won, Louis had been so focused he not only surprised the coach but the entire team, they all thought with the distraction of a new boyfriend in the crowd he wouldn't be as good as usual. But that just wasn't the case, that just made him that much better, Louis wanted to win this for Harry, and with his dad and Zayn there to protect him, Louis knew he was safe, Louis was able to do what he did best. He played with precision and within seconds of the beginning buzzer going off he was sinking one 3 pointer after another, by the time the game ended they were 26 points ahead beating a 36 year record held at their school.
The first person on the floor to congratulate the team was Harry, he didn't care who was watching, he ran right up to his boyfriend, swung him up in his arms and kissed him in front of the entire team, family, friends and gymnasium full of spectators.

"You were amazing." Harry whispers as he hugs Louis close.

"Had a cute boyfriend in the stands to impress this time." Louis whispers back, pulling Harry down for another kiss. "Come to the locker room and wait while I take my shower. Then we'll go home." Louis says pulling Harry toward the the doors. Nodding Harry just follows.

The rest of the team knew better than to asks Louis and Harry if they wanted to join in on the after game celebration, those two were so wrapped up in each other it seemed like no one else existed. Once Louis was done with his shower and dressed he grabs Harry's hand and leads him out of the gym to his car, always watching to make sure it's safe. When they got home Louis locked the door, dropped his bag turned and pins him to the wall and kisses him.

As soon as Harry's back hits the wall he feels a zip of fear snake through him until he felt Louis' lips on his, he then raises one hand and wraps it around Lou's neck to deepen the kiss.

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