Chapter 14

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The next several months Harry and Louis were inseparable, Louis never did move back home. The only time he was there was when Harry was with him and he and his dad Mark was training him on his self defense techniques. Harry loved the training too, he was getting stronger, and it was something he and Louis could do together, other than make love, which they do often.
Harry loves Louis so much he's afraid he's going to lose him, and there's some days he pulls away to keep from getting hurt. The first time he did that Louis made love to him almost all night, to the point where neither of could walk well the next day. Now when Harry gets that way Louis just reminds him what happened the last time and kisses him, tells him how much he loves him and then Harry's fine for weeks.
Today is different though, today Harry has to face his dad and he knows if he didn't have his Lou by his side there would be no way he could go through with it.

Louis sees the frown on Harry's face and walks up to him and gives him a hug. "It's going to be fine. I'll be there the whole time, you get scared look at me, in fact don't even look at Greg at all if you don't want to babe." Louis tells Harry.

Harry hugs Louis back. "I wouldn't be able to do this without you there with me. Lou I'm scared he's going to convince everyone it was all my fault and get out."

"Harry, we have the phone recording from the night you got out of the hospital. Plus Gemma will testify on your behalf too." He says kissing him. "There's nothing to worry about. Come here." Louis says taking Harry's hand pulling him to the sofa. "I have something I want to asks you."

Sitting down, Harry looks up at Louis. "What is it?"

Louis squats down in front of Harry and swallows. "You know I love you, if I didn't I wouldn't have spent all these past few month with you, keeping you safe, helping you get stronger."

"I know Lou, I love you too." Harry says.

"Well, for me it's more than that, it's hard to explain." Louis sighs. "I just feel at times like you were made and put on this earth just for me. I don't want anyone else to know you the way I do." Louis says pulling a small box out of his pocket and popping the lid open. "I want you to always be mine Harry, forever. Will you marry me." Louis asks.

Harry's eyes widen when he sees a thin band in Louis' hand, it had small roses and daggers engraved on it. With tears seaming down his cheeks Harry hug Louis. "Oh God yes. I love you so much." Harry cries. "I'm always afraid you're going to leave me because I'm to much work or you just find someone better."

"Never, Harry." Louis says with tears of his own rolling down his cheeks. "You are the best person for me, I don't want anyone but you." He says pulling the ring out of the box and sliding it on Harry's finger. "I hope you know we're getting married as soon as we can. I want you by my side at all times." Louis grins.

"You don't want to wait until we graduate?" Harry asks with a smile.

"Hell no. I turn 18 Christmas eve, you in February. I say we plan on spring break." Louis says. "Harry I don't want to wait much longer than that."

Harry hugs Louis to him. "Sounds perfect to me, I don't want to wait either. I love you." Harry says kissing Louis.

Louis kisses Harry back. "Love you too. Now you ready, we don't need to be late?"

"Yeah, let's do this." Harry says taking Louis hand. Just as they were getting out of Louis' car Harry sees Gemma, Liam and Niall walking up. His sister he expected but not the others. "Hey what are you guys doing here?" He asks his friends.

"We were call to testify. Harry we were there when your dad beat you until you quit breathing." Liam says. "Your lawyer thinks it will help your case and put your dad away."

Harry hugs Liam and Niall. "Thanks guys, I'm glad you're here." He says reaching for Louis' hand.

Gemma glances down to see if his hand were shaking or he was shuffling his feet to show he was nervous, and catches something on his hand she's never seen before. "Haz? What the hell is on your finger?" Gemma asks her brother reaching for his and Louis' hands.

"It's called a ring Gem, I'm sure you've seen them before. You own several." Harry laughs.

Gemma was looking at the ring and gasps, her head snaps up and looks at the two boys in front of her. "Oh my God. You're engaged." She whispers. "Harry." Gemma says with tears in her eyes, throwing her arms around both Harry and Louis. "You guys are getting married."

Harry hugs his sister back. "Yes we are, and we need to plan things quick. We decided on spring break. We don't want to wait." Harry grins. "As soon as we're both 18 and have time off school it's a done deal."

After a quick round of congratulations all five of them make their way into the court house, they sit and wait to be called on to give testimony of what they saw. In Harry and Gemma's case it was different the had a story to tell of years of beatings, being locked up, name calling and death threats. When the judge found out that all this has been going on for 10 years of this young man's life he was livid.
At the end of the day Judge Matthews gave Greg Styles 25 years to life for attempted murder for locking Harry in the basement with no food and water. As soon as Louis and Harry heard that they both jump up and hug each other.
"Lou, I'm free." He cries. Then surprises everyone there and kisses Louis right there in front of everyone. "I love you."

"I love you too." Louis says back. "Now let's go home we have a wedding to plan." Louis smiles, looking at his handsome fiance.

The judge slams his gavel down. "Excuse me." Harry and Louis spin and look at the judge. "If you can't find a preacher to marry you two wonderful boys call me, I'll do it." He smiles, pissing Greg off.

Harry nods. "Thank you sir." He says then turns to walks out of the court room, just as they all get to the double doors Greg's voice rings out.

"I knew you were nothing but a no good, worthless, fag." Harry's dad yells for everyone to hear. "I should have killed you when I had the chance. Nobody will ever want you, you can't do shit right." He yells.

Harry slowly turns and looks at his dad. He was in handcuffs and being held by a couple of cops standing on each side of him. "You're wrong Greg." Harry says calmly. "It may have taken my Lou months to convince me, but I'm not worthless. Even after all the bullshit you put me through I still have a 4.0 gpa, and I have my art. That's something you can never take from me." Harry smiles and pulls Louis closer to him. "And no matter how much you insult me I have Lou. He picked me, I love him and he loves me, that's another thing you can't take from me." Harry says as he turns and pulls Louis out of the room while his dad screams profanity and death threats at their retreating backs.

Once outside Louis pulls Harry to a stop and just hugs him. "I'm so damn proud of you. Harry, I love you so much."

"I love you too. Lou I would never have been able to face my dad that way without you by my side. Thank you for believing in me." Harry says, then he lowers his head and kisses Louis.

Pulling away seconds later, Louis grins. "Come on, let's go home. We have a wedding to plan."

"Yeah, and I have a tattoo I want Gem to give me." Harry smiles reaching in his pocket and pulling out a drawing of an anchor that has Louis' initials artfully worked into the design.

Louis unlocks his car and opens Harry's door, he kisses Harry again. "I love it, thank you for picking me." Louis whispers with tears in his eyes.

"I had a huge crush on you long before you spoke to me that first time Lou. Even though I knew I would probably end up half dead for going to that game there was no way in hell I was missing it. Not after you finally talked to me and personally asked me to come watch you play." Harry smiles.

"So you risked a severe beat just to spend time with me?" Louis asks.

"Yes, and I'd do again as long as this is the final result." Harry says.

"Harry, this will always be the final result." Louis says reaching for and holding Harry's hand while driving. "I don't think I can live without you now."

"Good, because I know I can't live without you." Harry smiles.

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