Chapter 9

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Harry has been in this new facility for a week and he felt like he was going crazy. Louis stayed with him every night, but had to go to school during the day. And while he was gone, and not by Harry's side all he did was worry that Greg would find out about him. He would pace or exercise in his room until Louis would walk in safe, and then all Harry could think to do is hug and kiss him in relief.
Harry knew he was falling in love with Louis he just didn't know how Lou felt about him. Yeah he would hug and kiss him back when he would over react that way, and he would snuggle up to him on his bed and watch TV with him or they would quietly talk until they fell asleep. Louis would wake him up by kissing him every morning before he had to leave for school, but they haven't talked about whether or not what they have is a relationship and what type it is or not. And that was starting to worry Harry.

Harry hears his door open, looks over to see Louis walk in and drop his bag. He doesn't says a word he just walk up and wraps his arms carefully around his waist and hugs him. Harry smiles and hugs him back. That's the way Dr. Carson finds them minutes later when he come in to check on Harry's progress.

"Well Harry, you look much better." The doc states causing the boys to turn and sit on the bed. "Have you had any news on your dad yet?"

"No, I've had a police officer here to ask a few questions, but so far they haven't been able to find him. Gem has been staying at home, so we know he's not gone back there, and he hasn't tried to call either of us." Harry replies.

"Well I've looked over your records and you seem to be doing amazingly well. You're even doing some exercises during the day, so I see no reason why you can't go home. I'm just worried about the situation with your dad. Have you given that any thought at all?" Dr. Carson asks.

"Yes, we have." Louis says. "I've spoke to my parents, and they have agreed to let me stay with Harry and Gemma until Greg is caught. I know Harry is a little bigger than I am, but I've had self defense classes." Louis says. "Plus I have a black belt in karate. I think I can take care of us just fine if need be."

"Good." The doctor grins. "Now that I know you will be in good hands and safe I'll sign the papers and let this young man take you home. You can start going back to school next week, isn't that great." Doc. Carson laughs.

"Wonderful." Harry chuckles. " Actually I don't mind the school part, doing that is better than being bored stiff all day."

"Well, Harry, it has been a pleasure. I just hope I don't have to see you again. At least not for the same reason." The doctor says shaking both Harry then Louis hands.

"Thank you, doc, for everything." Harry replied.

The doc nodded. "Now you two get out of here and enjoy the rest of your day."


"So what now?" Harry asks Louis as he throws Harry's stuff in the backseat of his car.

"You let your sister know your a free man and I find us a place to eat. I figured you might want some decent food." Louis says.

Harry nods and gets in on the passenger side of Lou's car. While Lou is driving Harry sends a text to Gem to let her know he will be home later. When he was done he saw that they were sitting in front of his favorite Italian restaurant.

"How did you know?" Harry asks looking at Louis.

"Your sister might have mentioned it some time or another. Come on let's go." Louis says getting out of the car. He waited for Harry to walk around to his side so he could link their fingers together, not caring who saw, and walk in as a couple. Harry just smiled and let him lead the way.

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