October 4, 2015

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Dear Charlie,

Now I know I said I would write to you on my birthday but I was completely busy, I went out to the movies, dinner, and of course I ate cake my one true love.

It was actually one of the best birthdays ever. Although none of my friends dressed the way I asked them to it was still cool.

So basically I'm writing to you because homecoming was last night. It was amazing. Even though I only had a few friends there it was still awesome.

I was of course all over the place. I didn't care who saw and who thought I was crazy.

But I think it's time to enter a new character. I'm going to call him Michael. So as of probably the beginning of the year I think j like him.

Now it's something very different about it all with me and him. We actually talk. I see him everyday, he actually knows me. We hung out together on Friday.

I felt like i might actually have a chance with him until last night. I Digby know if he had a date bit he was with this girl. Then he would always be super awkward around me.

I don't know Charlie. I was so used to guys just being chill with me since I was basically one of them. I dont km now what to do because he's so shy I feel like if he does like me he wouldnt say anything and just sit there. I'm so confused with it all.

I promise I'll write again this week to catch you.

Btw American Horror Story comes back on this week yeah. I'm so


Love always,

I just realised that he followed me on instagram a couple of weeks ago. I feel like an idiot

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