November 21,2015

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Dear Charlie,

Damn its been too long. But ive been busy as shit. This week was the first week of practise.

It was painful as shit but it was worth it. At first I wanted to quit because it was kind of pissing me off but now I feel better.

Also I went to go see Marianas Trench. If you don't know them well give out to because they're fucking amazing.

I went to see them on Wednesday. They were pretty awesome. I've been listening to them since I was nine.

They make me feel so much better and plus Ian's afro gives me life.

They make me feel amazing. I was pretty sad that I didn't get to meet them since theyve been there for me for so long.

I not completely over it. But I did catch matt Webb's towel so that's next to my head when I sleep now.

I want to go see them again in February but I dont think my mom's going to want to take me.

Anyways I've been mopping around for the last couple of days and still don't feel like going in with everything.

Well I write to you when I have the time. Oh yeah my computer broke so I'm pretty lost in life.



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