Chapter 10- Everyone but me

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Chapter 10- Everyone but me.

Madison's P.O.V

As soon as we got outside, flashes came from all directions, loads of questions being thrown at us like:

"Louis, who is that girl?"

"Are you going out?"


We ran as fast as possible towards the house, luckily, I was a fairly fat runner, or else I wouldn't have survived. 

We lost them at a turn, so we were able to get to Nialls house without having anyone follow. 

Getting in, panting we locked all the doors incase any paps or fans found us, and walked into the living room casually to see them all playing a board game on the carpet.

"Oh boobear, oh my boobear!!!" Harry yelled running towards us, capturing us in a bear hug. 

"Hello, Madi." He then whispered, making shivers run down my spine. 

"Hi Haz."

"We were sooooo bored!!! We were even playing a board game!" Niall complained in his sweet voice. 

"Well, Superman has come to rescue you all from your boredum!"

We laughed. 

And laughed.

Then we decided to watch something on the telly, and the first thing that popped up was Louis, and me. 

All eyes turned to us. 

Zayn and Liam looked surprised. 

Harry and Niall looked angry. 

And Izzy looked... Hurt. 

Oh no, Izzy!!!

"It is not what it looks like, I know it sounds cliche but it true-" 

"Save it!" Izzy growled,  

"Louis, how could you?!?!" That came from Harry. 

"No, I wasn't, you know I wouldn't." Said Lou. 

"Madison, why? Why everyone but me?" Niall asked confused, storming off.

His words rung in my head. 

Why everyone but him?  

I asked myself. 


He was trying, you could tell, why was I jut blocking him out? 

I realised what weong I had done. 

This time, I'm not just gonna wait, wait for everything to be okay. 

I'm gonna make this okay. 

One person at a time...

And you know what they say: 

Sisters before misters.

Everyone had stormed off and Louis had left to apologise to Harry, I went off to Izzy's room.

"Hey babe..." I said softly entering. 

"Don't talk to me." Izzy sulked. 

"Just let me ask you something." She nodded gently. 

"Do you really believe all those things they say? Don't you know they are just lies? Don't you know I would never do anything like that to you. Lou and I are just friends. Please believe me." 

She turned around, her eyes puffy, though they showed an expression of regrettment. 

"That was more that one question..." She started, we both laughed. "I'm sorry Madi, I should have never believed that."  

"S'okay, I'm sorry too..." I say. 

"So... Whats about you and Niall?" She sad suggestively, wiggling her eyebrows. 

"I don't know, I really like Harry, and I'm fine with him."  

"Yea, but I can see, there's something special with you and Niall. Something Different. You guys should totaly go out!" She says suddenly. 

"Yes, but Izzy, don't you see, I can't trust him again after what he did. I just can't." She thinks for a while. 

"You know what, It's time to forgive." She says. "Don't you see, you are torturing that poor boy. I understand what he did, but think about his story. He's sorry can't you see that? And Sorry's are to forgive."  

And this time, I believed the words that came out of my best friend's mouth.  

"Thanks Iz."  

She nodded and shooed me. 

"Go on now, go find him!" I laughed at her and made my way to Nialls room.

"Niall, before you say anything, please listen, Lou and I were just going to the mall, that's all, the paparazzi found us." I started. 

"Yes, but you have feelings for Louis, don't you?" He interrupts. 

"No, I don't, believe me. We are just friends-"  

"Then why don't you believe me?" E interrupts again. Geeze. 

"I do, I do believe you, and I'm sorry for not believing you before. I was wrong."  

"I'm sorry Madi, I'm sorry for everything I have ever done, from six year ago, to not believing you just now. I'm so sorry Madi." He says, looking up at me, tears and sincerity in his eyes.  

"I forgive you." I say. 

"You just dont- Wait, ya do?" I nod. He smiles. We hug. His warm arms wrapping around my small body, as my head rests on his shoulder.  

I like this.  

It feels... Right. 

I sometimes read love stories/novels and stuff, always thinking that it was iche when they say this, back when I could hug Niall, I didn't know what it meant. But now, I do, and it feels right. 

And I don't wanna let go. 

But I do, and soon leave the room to see Harry about this. 

I don't feel this with Harry, I don't know why, Harry is so nice, and caring. But Niall has something I cannot describe. Something...

"Hey Haz, I just wanted to tell you that Lou and I-" 

"Yea, don't worry about it, Louis already told me, sorry, I just got a little angry at that very second..." Harry rambled on. 

"Well, that's cool, thanks, see you later then-" 

"So, d'you want to go on a date again." He askes suddenly. 

"I'm sorry Harry, but I can't go on any more dates with you." I said, and just as I did, I knew I shouldn't have said it at this time. The completely wrong time. But now that I started saying it, I gotta finish. 

"Why?!?! Is it 'cos you have feelings for Louis!!!!" He yells, tightening his hands into fists, I place my small hand over his large one, causing him to relax. 

"No Harry, it's not Louis. I sorta still have feelings for Niall still, y'know? It just doesn't feel right, I'm sorry Harry. I hope you understand..." I say, and his features fill with loads of different emotions: confusion, understanding, guilt and a hint in jealosy, if I'm right. 

"Er... Yea, I understand, I guess..." He says, wow, I always thought Harry was the protective one, the one that will never let you go. 

I was wrong.

"It's happened to me before... I get it." He continues before embracing me in a hug and letting me go back into my room to have a rest, it was still early, but I was tired, and too many things were on my mind. 

I needed to get away.

I closed my eyes and drifted off into a dream-filled sleep...

Hai guyssss, I pretty sure I'm half way in my story, I hope you like this chapter.

Refrance to the title (yay).

Well, thanks for reading, please promote! 


Much love <3 

Izzy xxx

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