Chapter Three

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I've been living with Alan a few weeks now so I guess the 'staying for a few days' thing has gone down the drain, it's been great however, although my mum and dad haven't even attempted to contact me yet, for all they know I could be dead, which is probably what they want anyway.

I sat on a comfy chair in the front room which I had now claimed as my chair since i'd moved in. As I sat sipping my cup of tea, Alan strolled through the door from upstairs. "Morning" he yelled as he started a massive yawn. "yeah, I've been up for an hour, morning to you to" I laughed and he threw me a childish face, then laughed. Alan returned to the front room after going to the kitchen for some cereal. I had finished my breakfast and took my cup to the kitchen and began washing up.

As I stood there just thinking about daily stuff and washing my cup, I felt a weird feeling, weird but nice, warm and...cuddly? Alan was cuddling me? Both his strong arms relaxed around my waist as I stood backwards to him, I felt odd but I didn't want to question him about it as I didn't want it to end. Luckily Alan broke the awkward silence, but not with a conversation, with a small kiss. What is even happening, the thoughts are racing through my head, and all the questions I wanted to ask, but I was stuck in this kiss. Alan had never been like this towards me, I was so confused, but it made me feel happy too.

After we stopped kissing he gave me a quick tight hug and started walking away "So, I was thinking of going to see the guys today, wanna come?" I at this moment, was still dazed, blown away from what had just happened, I managed to bring myself to answer anyway "Uh, yeah sure" I quickly answered before powerwalking back into the front room and sitting back down.

Alan, my best friend in every way was now the one I wanted to be with? This was all happening so quickly, now he wanted me to go and hang out with all his friends. Maybe I could give it a chance? Time ticked on and day turned to night and soon enough it was time to go and see Alan's friend's. I was so scared of meeting them if im quite honest.

We arrived outside a big apartment building. It was huge, and so posh. "Who lives here?" I asked amazed at the sight of it. "Austin, one of my closest friends, it's nice right?" Nice? It was more than nice, it was amazing. Again, reality hit me, hard. Oh my god, I was about to meet Austin Carlile, how do I act, what do I say? I didn't want to make the wrong impression, why was this so important?

We rang the doorbell and a big happy smile greeted us, "Hi, I'm Austin" he said, and dragged me into a huge hug, "Hi, im Lily" I managed to squeak. Upon entering the front room we were greeted by about 30 people all jumping around, dancing and just having a good time. "Wow, there sure is a lot of people here" I exclaimed, I really didn't expect that many people to be in here.

As the night went on, Alan bonded with other people and sat with a small group of guys most of the night. I however was in the corner on my own watching everyone buzzing around. Every now and then however I would look over to the bar area and I would see Austin's glimmering eyes on me, a few times I even had to look around me to see who else he could possibly be looking at.

I have to admit, it made me feel a little uneasy as I wasn't sure what kind of look it was. Finally Austin walked over to me, he sat next to me, his nose ring shone in the flashing lights. "You really know how to pull off a good party" I said to him, trying to break the tension. He continued to stare at me and then out of no where, he carefully took my hand and said "well, it doesn't look like you're having much fun, come with me" he said and continued holding my hand, smoothly pulling me through crowds of people until we managed to sneak through a door.

Austin was extremely easy to talk to and suddenly small talk turned into deep conversation which resulted in being pulled in for the biggest hug of my life. I rose up from his chest and he looked down on me, with a tear in his eye. He picked me up so I was just a little shorter than him and gave me a small kiss. I don't know what made him think of it, but it was clear he didn't want to let go, neither did I in a way, it was nice being away from the noise, the people, Alan, omg Alan, I struggled out of Austin's grasp, he looked heartbroken.

"Im sorry Lily, I don't know why I did that!" he said, still holding tightly onto my arms. "It's not you, its just I think Alan likes me and I feel like such a horrid person" I admitted nervously. "Don't worry its fine, Alan is out there, having fun with his friends, he left you alone, then I came to your rescue" he said with a small chuckle, then he gave me a little nudge and smiled when I looked up at him. "Well, I guess your right" I replied, I stared up at him for a few seconds, then I reached for his face and began to kiss him again.

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