Chapter Sixteen

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It was finally the UK tour, we decided to bring Alfie with us, as I would be there to look after him and also, I would hate to stay behind without Alan here with us. I have quickly become close with my dad, it was awesome, he also bonded so well with Alan and Alfie, I thought Alfie was going to have to grow up with only one grandad.

I had to make sure I have everything for Alfie as we would be gone for a few weeks. Alan helped too, he was so good with Alfie. Once again we all agreed to meet at the airport but this time we weren't touring with any other band so we were only meeting the other band members at the airport. Alan strapped Alfie up in his car seat whilst I put all the suitcases in the boot of a taxi, this time we didn't have a fancy car as we were running late.

We met the band and got on the plane, during the plane journey, Alan and Austin fell asleep on each other, so me and the others started taking photos of them, it was hilarious! When we arrived at England, Of Mice and Men were greeted by so many fans, they all signed their things and then we carried on to the hotel. We stayed in the same hotel that we did last time we came to England and stayed.

The next morning we made our way to the first venue in the tour bus, it was a pretty long journey and Alfie began getting restless, but Alan sang him to sleep, it was adorable to see them getting on so well.

After Of Mice and Men played, they did a signing for their fans, so many of them spoke to the boys about how they saved their lives, just like Alan saved mine. I bought Alfie to the signing with me, a group of girls ran up to me and started taking photos with me and Alfie, I called Alan over to get in some photos too. I got on so well with the fans, they didn't seem annoyed at the fact Im Alan's girlfriend, I couldn't of been happier.

At nearly every gig Of Mice and Men did a signing and each time the crowd of people running up to me and Alfie asking for photos etc, got bigger but I didn't mind, as long as fans didn't hate me. Also me and Alan had grew really close lately, he seemed like such a good father for Alfie, I'm so glad I met him.

On the last show of the tour, there wasn't a signing and we all decided to go to bed pretty early.

I suddenly awoke from the sound of a violent cough, I couldn't quite hear who it was at first so I attemped to snuggle back down into my bed. Until I heard it again, this time I realized it was Alfie. I quickly jumped up and ran to the cot, Alfie looked terrible, maybe he just had a cold or something, I couldn't stop myself from worrying though.

I woke up Alan and he didn't seem to happy at first until I told him why, he rushed to Alfie's side and examined him, a cold expression filled his face "As soon as we get home, we'll take him to the hospital, I promise" he put his arm around me and kissed my cheek, he could see the worry in my face. He reassured me enough so I could sleep that night.

We arrived at the hospital and the look on the doctors face, worried me more than anything in my entire life. I hastily got my phone out and rang everyone I knew. The doctors had already rushed off with Alfie, without telling us what was wrong, we just sat in the cold, quiet waiting room.

Suddenly, all the Of Mice and Men band members, my dad, Kellin, All of Pierce The Veil and more burst into the waiting room, one by one coming up to me and Alan trying to comfort us. I just wanted to see my baby.

A whole 2 hours later the doctor finally came back, "Miss Sampter, can I speak to you outside please" he questioned and held the door open for me to walk out, my whole body was now shaking and I could barely walk as I felt so scared of what he wanted to talk about.

"Im sorry to say that, I don't know how long Alfie will have left, he seems to have a tumour on his brain, I cant determine exactly how long its been there, but im guessing a while as its not a small one" he looked at me with a blank sad expression on his face. I had no idea what to reply with, without noticing I started crying, tears were rapidly falling from my eyes. The doctor understood and tried to give me a reassuring hand on my shoulder. I tried to smile but instead I just walked away.

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