Chapter Two

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"So," Alan looked at me, smiling, "how do you know who I am? Have we met?" I felt so embarrassed at this point I just wanted to cry. "Erm, not exactly, I've listened to your band!" Oh dear, I must of sounded like such a fan girl, but all I know is, it could have been worse. "Ah, nice" he gave me another smile. I then started to get all the feeling back in my body after the anesthetic had worn away, I felt an odd but warming feeling in my hand. I took a quick glance down and saw that Alan's hand was in mine. Had it been like that the whole time? I had no idea. I realized I was staring at our hands interwined together, but thankfully I managed to quickly look away when he turned back around to say "I just need to make a quick call, I'll be right back" and with that he let go of my hand and walked to the far side of the ward.

I finally took into account of where I was, in hospital. I hope my parents still don't know, they would go ballistic if they found out I didn't come home. I looked around again, only this time, i realized how many people were in this room, from babies to the elderly. Some of them looked seriously ill, I felt like such an idiot, I began getting changed under the hospital gown, I needed to leave, I felt ridiculous.

Just as I was about to put my shoes on, I heard Alan's voice getting louder as his conversation on the phone grew more serious. "I said cancel my meeting for today, I need to be with this girl, also tell the others I won't be back till late, I need to be there for her!" and then he angrily hung up the phone and shoved it back into his skinny jean pocket. Then his tone changed back, "whoa! You can't leave, you might hurt yourself, please get back into bed!" the concerned look on his face made me wonder if he knew something I didn't.

I decided I wasn't going to fight it though, I pulled the ugly, uncomfortable gown back on and crawled back into the stiff lumpy hospital bed. Alan sat back on the bed and gave me a stern but calming look and said "I will speak to the doctor, then he will decide if you should be dismissed, not you" it kind of felt demanding, and that even if I said no he would go and do it anyway so I just nodded and smiled.

Alan came back, his face gleaming, "Good news, turns out you are allowed home". Im so confused, why did he look so worried when I tried to dismiss myself, did he know something? Maybe he just cared..NO I need to stop thinking about him even looking at me in that way, he would never.

After I got changed into my own clothes I picked up my phone and there on the screen read 9 missed calls from Asshole. I dropped my phone in horror. "Shit," Alan jumped back, "Lily, whats wrong?" he bent down and picked up my phone, reading the screen he turned to me "Who's asshole?" he asked chuckling a bit.

"My dad" I replied, its all I could really say, I can't believe he even noticed I was gone, he never normally gives a care in the world to where I am. "Why is he an asshole?" asked Alan, his face full of wonder. "Long story" I quickly snapped back in anger. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound angry it's just, I can't go home, I'm scared" I sat on the bed, and without realizing I had started crying, Alan sat next to me, he then reached to my cheek and wiped away my tear "Thanks" I managed to snuffle. I then felt his hand move across my face to my cheekbone, just next to my ear, his hand softly stroked a scar I had tried to hide, well succeeded, every day with make-up.

"What happened?" Alan asked. I couldn't think of a reasonable answer apart from the real one which wasn't something I wanted to tell him, that my own dad has be responsible for slashing it with a beer can after an argument. "Erm, I fell over when I was younger" and that was the first possible excuse I came up with, Wow, great one Lily.

He decided not to ask anymore questions I assume and started to pick up my things ready to walk on out the hospital, finally.

"So, I guess we probably wont see each other again, goodbye" I smiled and turned to walk away, quite devastated from what I had just said, just the sad truth. "Wait, why? If you don't want to go home that badly, stay with me for a while?". I had been staring with my mouth wide open for at least two minutes now as Alan started waving his hand in my face. "oops sorry, I was just a bit lost in the moment then, I don't know if i should but maybe i'll stay for a couple of days" I beamed back at him.

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