Chapter Ten

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I half woke up whilst being carried to bed, Alan arms are so strong and muscly, wow. I tried not to make it obvious I had woken up, he put me into bed and snuggled up behind me, he kissed my head, then my cheek and I felt his eyes close as his eyelashes brushed against my neck. After watching 101 Dalmations, I really had the idea of getting a dog stuck in my head, I wouldn't say anything to Alan though, I didn't know what his views on dog's were so I didn't want to make him mad.

I had a dream about Alan last night, something like, I thought he cheated on me, but it was actually his cousin or something and he took me on my dream date etc, sad I know but it made me so happy that I have someone like Alan to love and the fact he actually loved me too. I stretched my arms out to cuddle him, but he wasn't there? I began to panic as it wasn't like Alan to wake up before me. I got up, and put my slippers on then slowly made my way around the house searching for Alan. I finally found him, in the front room in front of the computer, he swiveled around in the chair and got up to kiss me.

I looked at the computer screen and saw he was playing candy crush, some silly game everyones addicted to. I also saw another tab added onto the candy crush tab, I really wanted to look but Alan had already started leading me to the kitchen and already frying up some eggs and bacon, I was too hungry to worry about what was on the other internet tab, I just ate instead, im greedy.

Half way through breakfast Alan randomly asked "What do you think of the name Barney, just in general?" well this was unexpected, I didn't want to ask any questions so I just replied "Erm, yeah its okay I guess?" then I gave him my confused face and he just continued scoffing his breakfast. As confused as I was I decided to just let it fly over my head.

A while after breakfast I decided to go on the computer and browse some clothing websites, I went on the history to find my previous pages I had bookmarked and found some new ones, I clicked on the first one, 'one deluxe blue fabric medium bed' and then a picture of exactly that, was right next to it, I needed to talk to Alan, I was now officially confused.

"Alan!" I called, and with that he popped his head around the door, I just pointed at the computer screen, and he made a little smirk with his mouth, "well, I looked at a dog, and I was going to take you to see him tomorrow" he looked so happy with himself, I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Well have you got a picture of it?" I asked Alan, he looked shocked "you mean you will consider it? And one second then" of course I was considering it, I had already agreed. He then showed me a picture of the cutest Dalmation puppy ever, I put my hand over my mouth and all that came out was "aww" and I stared for a few more minutes, "He's adorable, what time are we going to get him tomorrow" I laughed but inside I was deadly serious. "Are you sure you want this, Lily" god, he made it sound like we were having a kid or getting married, something that important with the way he said it.

I nodded and couldn't stop smiling, we were going to have our own little puppy, I assumed its name was Barney, unless the question at breakfast was completely unrelated which I doubt it was.

The next morning, I was awake first this time, I hardly slept because I couldn't contain my excitement, I took a shower and began getting dressed, Alan must of woke up whilst I was having a shower as when I walked back into our room he was wide awake, and dressed, he had just came off the phone "I hope you don't mind but Jaime is coming along as hes not feeling too good today and I wanted us to cheer him up" oh great, another awkward day, but I guess that was the past I hope, "Yeah sure, the more the merrier" I replied trying to not look suspicious, why did stupid drunken nights make things so awkward for. Alan and I were both dressed and were just finishing our breakfast when the doorbell went and I answered the door to Jaime, "Hello" he beamed and gave me a hug, wow, random. "Hey" I managed to say whilst being tightened in his grip of a hug. He then walked over to Alan and gave him a hug too, maybe Jaime is just really friendly, I decided.

The new puppy was located at a small cottage estate about 50 minutes away from where we lived, this was going to be a silent, but awkward car ride, I managed to get the backseat on my own though, which meant Jaime and Alan could talk about whatever whilst I chilled out in the back and listened to my headphones whilst watching the world go by. I still find it a bit weird that I still listen to all the bands who im now friends with, I can't help that their music is amazing.

I missed Damien a lot over the last couple of days weve been home because although he still lives with us, he's with Mike and Vic 24/7, im glad he has a lot of friends though.

We slowly pulled up outside a small white cottage, the prettiest id ever seen, the neatest garden, and an old fashioned car parked in the drive way, it was like something from a movie. We all exited the car and I was greeted by a big jumping Dalmation, it was happily yapping at me and running all around my feet. "Yep, I think we have the right house" I said to the others, and then I threw the dog's toy and laughed. Alan smiled at me, but so did Jaime, exactly the same, so weird.

We knocked on the door and a short, chubby man answered, he seemed so jolly even by the look of him. "Hello, you must be Mr and Mrs Ashby" he kindly said and offered for us to come in, "Well, not quite Mr and Mrs but you'll never know for the future" Alan corrected the man and then winked at me, Was he actually considering this thought?

"This is Barney's mother, Dotty" and the small man pointed to a very spotted Dalmation laying on the floor all curled up. "Outside I see you already met Eddie, Barney's father" and we all looked out the window to see a now brown colour Dalmation rolling around in the mud outside, the man frowned and folded his arms, but laughed it off anyway. "Unfourtunatly Barney has more of his father in him than his mother, being a lad and all" he said as he made his way through a metal gate leading to I assume his kitchen.

He opened the back door and in pounced a small white and black puppy, with big brown chocolate eyes, he leaped everywhere, eventually onto my lap. "He's adorable" Alan and I kept saying repeatedly. We came to an agreement about the price of Barney and we began leaving. The man quickly stopped us at the front door and passed us a slightly ripped up sheep cuddly toy, "This is Barney's favourite toy, he can't be without it" he said smiling, we took the toy and said our goodbyes.

Jaime had waited outside the car, he was thrilled to see a small puppy running up to him and jumping all up his legs, he stroked him and then lifted him into the car, "Thanks Jaime" I smiled and got in the back with Barney

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Jaime had waited outside the car, he was thrilled to see a small puppy running up to him and jumping all up his legs, he stroked him and then lifted him into the car, "Thanks Jaime" I smiled and got in the back with Barney. Jaime and Alan continued their conversations in the front whilst I started my own in the back of the car, "So, Barney, ready to see you new home?" he barked as if he knew what I was saying. I then remembered the toy in my pocket, I lifted it out and showed it to Barney, his tail wagged even more excitedly and he grabbed it right out my hands and kind of hugged it with his paws, so cute.

I walked Barney to the front door, he must of sniffed every plant in the front garden all the way to the door, he scratched at the door desperately trying to get in, when he did, he ran everywhere, Alan and I spent half an hour chasing him around trying to catch him, and we finally did, his bed arrived today aswell, quite quick if I say so. He settled in nicely and I can honestly say, he's now part of our family, even his little sheep.

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