Chapter Twelve

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I awoke quickly with the feeling of being thrown around, although when I opened my eyes I was still lying in the bunk, what was going on? Am I ill? Shaking, I slowly got out of the bunk when Austin fell to the ground in front of me after a massive "SMASH" I fell out of the bunk, hit my head on something and then landed next to Austin.

After a few seconds of nothing I scrambled to my feet, "AUSTIN" I shouted, smacking his face, trying to wake him up, and then I would find out what was going on! "Lily, are you okay?" Austin sat up, rubbing the side of his head, I saw blood and started fussing but he told me he was fine and so we made our way cautiously to the front of the bus where everyone else was.

To my astonishment, the place was a wreck, the front windscreen of the bus was completely gone and there was glass everywhere, I watched everyone as they slowly started getting up, looking confused as to why they were sitting/lying on the floor. I could of sworn Austin's eyes nearly popped out of his head as he began running to the drivers part of the bus.

"Johnny! Kellin! Are you two okay?" he stumbled down the corridor, shouting. Johnny walked out of the drivers section of the bus until Austin got to him, he had blood all over him!

Not using my brain, I screamed when I saw his face, I felt everyone stare at me, so I just put my hands over my open mouth. Austin ran past him, im assuming he was searching for Kellin. "SHIT" I heard him yell. Then a very determined Austin came speeding past, towards the door, everyone in the room tried to get his attention and asking what was wrong. I followed Austin out of the door and then I saw it.

Kellin lying in the road, in front of the bus, covered in glass and blood and on his front. Austin kneeled down next to him, checking his pulse, I saw a tear roll off his cheek "I CANT FUCKING FEEL IT, SOMEONE CALL A DOCTOR" he shouted over. I completely froze not knowing what to do. I could hear Johnny on the phone to the hospital. "They are on their way as quick as possible" he said quickly out of the door. I didn't even bother answering, I walked went over to Kellin.

I then saw his eyelid flicker the tiniest bit, "Austin, his eye!" I tugged on Austins shoulder, he quickly turned around and examined Kellin's face.

The ambulance arrived shortly after we had called and took Kellin in the back of it, they offered for someone to go with him, Austin and I agreed to go, I thought of Kellin as my best friend, I didn't want to go, I needed to!

I quickly hugged Alan and kissed him goodbye, then jumped into the back of the ambulance. Whilst we were arriving at the hospital with Kellin, The boys back at the bus had called people out to fix the tour bus.

Its so boring and nerve-racking in the waiting room, I just want to see Kellin, its been about 4 hours now, he had to be put into urgent surgery and everything. I just hope hes okay, the doctor said we can see him a couple of hours but I want to see him now. I stopped pacing around and took a seat next to Austin, I put my arm around him, I could see his eyes were red and puffy from trying not to cry.

Suddenly all the others burst into the waiting room, I jumped off my chair and I then jumped into Alan's opened arms and snuggled into his neck. "He will be fine baby" he whispered into my ear. I successfully kept in my tears so I wouldn't have to look silly just standing there crying in front of him.

About an hour later, a doctor walked in "Hello, I'm doctor Terril, your all Kellin Quinn's friends?" he asked pointing at us all. We all nodded, almost in sync, then he motioned for us to all follow him. He left us all so we could walk into Kellin's room.

I had to walk in first, I could see a lifeless looking Kellin, lying across the room. Alan sat on the chair next to the bed, I came and sat on his lap whilst the others all gathered around the bed too. "Kellin" I whispered and poked his arm. He slowly turned his head towards us all and the corners of his mouth rose up, so he was smiling at us all.

As the room filled with conversation, various people came in and out of the room until it was just me and Kellin.

"I'm okay you know" he weakly whispered to me. I felt the tears well up In my eyes, he struggled his hand through the wires with all his strength and I took his hand in mine. "Don't worry about me, I overheard the doctors saying I was lucky im even alive now!" he let out a little giggle, I could of felt more reassured. "Good, I wouldn't of wanted anything to happen to my best friend" I smiled at him then told him I was going to get some food as it was really late now and I hadn't really eaten.

I got up from seat "Want anything?" I asked him, he shook his head so I waved and left the room. Of Mice and Men eventually decided to call off the England tour and reschedule it for the following year as we had enough drama with the whole tour bus crash and everything.

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