Chapter Twenty Two

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My phone started ringing from across the room, "Hello?" I questioned down the phone, "Hey, do you want to come shopping?" oh, it was Rihanna, to be honest I was sick of staying in, ever since that stalker thing happened last week all of the boys haven't stopped babying me, it would be nice to get away for a while.

"Yeah, sure let me just get ready!" I put the phone down and started getting dressed, Rihanna soon turned up at the front door, I went to find Alan around the house, when I found him I hugged him the tightest I ever have done, then I kissed him, so many times, "I love you Alan, Goodbye" I said before walking away. "Yeah, I love you too" he shouted back.

We went to so many shops and bought so many things, I swear Rihanna is some sort of shopaholic. It was a lot of fun though, I didn't want the day to end but unfortunately it had to. I told Rihanna I would make my own way home as she had been buying me things all day, I didn't want to use her for a taxi either.

I was just about to say goodbye to her when my phone rang, "Erm, hello?" it was an unknown number. "Hey, It's been a long time since we've spoke" a muffled voice spoke back. "Who is this?" I asked, I waited ages for a response, I nearly hung up until the voice spoke "Just a friend, anyway see you later" then the phone began beeping, "Wow that was weird" I said to Rihanna, it really was, I didn't even recognize the voice maybe it was just someone messing around.

I parted with Rihanna and started to walk home, I told her I was getting a taxi of course since she would have offered me a lift and I didn't want one.

I got to the most beautiful bridge, I even stopped to look out at the city, mostly all I could see was the deep rushing river underneath, I embraced the bridge view for a few moments until I felt a hard hit in my side. I looked up to see the hooded figure that had been following me, even in my sleep. It grabbed my wrists, and then pulled down the hood of their jacket. The piercing blue eyes felt like they were staring into my soul, so much anger. He snarled at me, and then punched me continuously in the stomach until I fell to the floor.

Moments passed and I was suddenly being dangled over the edge of the bridge, the water felt like it was getting closer, and it was, I was falling, and fast. I felt a pound in my stomach as I smacked down on the water, was he trying to kill me?

I could feel my lungs slowly, filling up with water, I knew I was going to drown, all I kept replaying in my head was my final goodbye to Alan, it wasn't meant to be, but it was; the last time I would ever tell him I love him.

I took a big deep breath, until there was nothing left, my eyes locked shut, and water filled my lungs, my whole body.

*Kellin's POV*

I'm so bored of sitting in doing nothing, Mike and Rihanna just came round for a while, but now they're gone, I'm going to ring Alan. After a few rings Alan finally picked up, "Hey what's up?" he asked, he sounded busy like he was being rushed so I decided to ask for Lily.

"Do you know where Lily is?" I asked, I didn't want to bother him, but he and Lily shared the house phone. "Yeah man, she went out shopping with Rihanna about two hours ago" Alan replied, my heart sank, Rihanna was here with Mike like ten minutes ago, without Lily.

Did this mean Lily was out on her own? "Shit, okay. Well I'll see you later mate, bye" I quickly hung up before he could question me, I had to find Lily. I decided to start at the shops, I couldn't see her anywhere, and to be honest no one was really around. I went to her favorite spot in the whole town, the beach near the cliffs. It was only over the bridge and just down a few bumpy roads.

I finally got to the car park of the beach, I parked my car and started walking down the beach, I could see someone laying in the sand, as I got closer I could see it was Lily, I began to laugh as I knew I would find her here, she's too predictable.

I sighed with relief that I had finally found her, I casually walked over to her, "Hey Lily, no point trying to hide down here" I shouted over, I giggled a little bit, but I didn't hear her laugh back, actually I didn't hear anything, Was she ignoring me?

I got closer and realized she was lying face down, what on earth? I then saw blood "SHIT, Lily what's happened?" I started to shake her shoulders as I pulled her to a sitting position, her eyes were closed, I realized I was holding her by her wrists, I couldn't feel her pulse. I frantically searched for her pulse, I put my hands on her chest and tried to feel her heart beat, and wasn't there.

I opened her eyelids trying to get her to wake up, I had no idea what had happened, I just wanted her to wake up, I looked into her eyes, all I could see was darkness, no life found in her pupils. I carefully put her body back on the floor and crouched down until I was sitting in the sand. I laid my head on her stomach and cried, I continued doing this for a very long time.

For all that time I had many questions rushing through my head, who did this? Did she do it? I came to the conclusion that she must have jumped off the cliff, there is no other reasonable explanation, not that this one was reasonable, I just couldn't think straight.

I just needed to hear her voice again, my best friend's voice. I put my hand to my chest trying to feel for my necklace, got it. I pulled it from inside my top and then I reached down to Lily's neck, and took her necklace, I leant down and connected the two, they were two little people, now holding hands, one had 'insep' and the other had 'arable'. When we were together, we were inseparable.

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