Chapter Twenty Three

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*Kellin's POV*

I finally found the strength to pull my phone from my jean pocket and dial Alan's number; it rang for ages before he finally answered. "Dude, I'm in the middle of town searching for Lily, have you seen her?" he quickly asked before I could even speak.

"I'm with her, just come to the beach Alan" I replied, my dispirited voice made him hurry and get off the phone. I put the phone back in my pocket and looked back down at Lily, I had to hold back so many tears as I stroked her hair behind her ear and said "Alan is coming to say goodbye" I then retracted my hand and curled into a ball, whilst sitting and resting my head on her stomach.

Alan finally arrived, "Lily, what the hell, you scared us all so much" he came rushing over to us running quick through the sand. I quickly stood up blocking his path to her. "Why are you crying?" Alan asked as the moonlight shone on my face. "Look, it's Lily, she's...she's...dead" I stuttered, I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. Alan's face dropped, I don't think he believed me, until he ran over to Lily and saw her lifeless body, "What, How, NO!" he dropped down beside her and held her face in his hands. I saw his tear fall onto her pale, white face.

"I didn't know what to do, I've been sat here for hours, wondering what to do, I couldn't believe it myself, I crashed out" I said from a distance, I then knelt down beside him, his eyes were shut but tears were still flowing out. He then touched her hand "She's freezing, she's really dead" he gulped and got up and began pacing up and down a short while across the beach.

He then let out the biggest scream/shout ever; his sadness mixed with anger, it made him look crazed in the eyes. "Who the fuck done this?" he screeched at me, trying not to cry, again. "I really don't know, maybe...suicide?" I quietly said, trying not to anger him anymore. "But, why would she want to do that?" Alan asked, he looked like a nervous wreck and he sounded very intimidating. "I have no idea, but what other explanation is there?" I made my voice louder; it really feels like Alan is taking this out on me, I didn't kill her did I!

"We have to ring an ambulance" Alan said, he pulled out his phone and called the hospital. What seemed like years later the ambulance finally arrived, Alan got into the back of the ambulance with Lily and I drove to the hospital to meet them there.

I don't think I can bare another minute in this car, everything I have reminds me of Lily in some way, she can't be dead, she just can't be.

Arriving at the hospital I quickly parked my car and sprinted to the ambulance bay, Lily's one rolled up and they walked her body into the hospital. There wasn't any point in rushing, she was long gone and there's no way they could bring her back now. It was pretty late at night so the waiting room was empty, Alan and I sat in silence, I can't imagine what's going through Alan's mind.

The doctor came in "You may see her now", we followed him to a small room, inside through the window I could see Lily's body, laying on a bed, they had cleaned her up now, but to me she always looked beautiful.

Alan and I both walked into the room, the doctor left us alone with her. Alan nodded his head in my direction, then towards Lily, he wanted me to say my goodbye, but I didn't even know where to start. I took a deep breath as Alan left the room. I could see him pacing around outside through the window.

I sat next to Lily on a little chair next to the bed and took hold of her hand, I didn't have much to say, she already knew all of it. "Lily, you know that no matter what, life or death, we will always be inseparable", I kissed her forehead, then I kissed the necklace that still hung from my neck, I looked towards the ceiling, and got up to leave.

*Alan's POV*

I saw Kellin get up to leave, I felt like my brain was going to explode, I didn't want to say goodbye, not now, not ever. I nodded at Kellin as we passed through the doorway, I can't believe I was about to do this, say goodbye to my own wife. It wasn't even a month ago since we got married.

I sat beside her and took her hand in mine, "Lily, I can't believe I'm saying goodbye now, I thought we would be old, and have kids, bloody grandkids of our own. If someone did this to you, I'm going to kill them, but if not then, I just wish you would of spoke to me about it, I'm going to miss you so much, so will Barney and literally everyone. I love you so much beautiful, sleep tight". I felt tears rolling down my face, I really couldn't care less, anyone else would cry if their wife was dead, lying next to you and you had to say your final goodbyes.

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