Chapter Fourteen

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It's the 15th of Febuary, just a normal day, but Alan walked through the door with the biggest bunch of flowers I have ever seen! "Happy year and a one months anniversary Lily" he then handed me the flowers, yes of course! I had met Alan on the 15th of January last year, I only remember that because it had been dated on my hospital records, I know it was a few weeks later that we were showing signs of liking each other, but meeting him was a very special day, I cant believe its already been a year and a month though, so much has happened in such a short amount of time.

I kept thanking him for the flowers and began arranging them in a big vase on the dining table. They were beautiful, like him.

Out of the blue I started feeling really sick, I knew I was going to be sick so I ran to the bathroom, this had been happening a lot lately over the past few weeks, I decided to ignore it as I probably just ate something dodgy, Alan thought otherwise. "You don't look well, should we stay in today and just chill out?" I really wanted to go out, but I couldn't help feeling really tired and sick. Alan had noticed me being sick a few times as he kept asking me to go to the doctors. He then brought the idea up again, I flipped out a little more than I should of when I answered "Fine, lets go!" I swiftly made my way to our bedroom and collected my things to go out.

Alan just brushed off my little rage and got into the car, we drove to the doctors and arranged to see someone. We waited around for a bit until we got called in. I explained everything to the doctor and all he responded back with was a little laugh. He then reassured us we had nothing to worry about. I could see Alan starting to get a little frustrated. He then handed me a pregnancy test, I felt very confused but i went and did it anyway.

I then heard the most shocking thing ever, "You have a person growing in you" he patted my shoulder and smiled, waiting for my reply.

I felt relived knowing it was nothing serious in my health, but this was a life changing thing, me and Alan were going to have a baby? I never thought this would ever happen, not that I didn't want it to, just not this quickly. I heard Alan sigh with relief and he grabbed my hand. "Well how old is it?, if you get what I mean" Alan asked the doctor.

"Only about 4 weeks, but its definitely there!" he showed us the test stick and there, as clear as anything it said 4 weeks. I looked at Alan to see his reaction and I saw his face light up when he read the stick. "Wow.." he muttered, still smiling. I felt happy that he wasn't angry, when we left he turned to me "The party was about that time ago, you don't think?" he looked at me, as if he was waiting for an answer but didn't want to say the whole question. I shrugged, I personally didn't remember it, maybe we were drunk, I don't know, but either way, im having my own freaking baby!

I couldn't wait to get home and tell everyone! I didn't feel sick as much anymore so we met them all at the local Starbucks. "So everyone, me and Lily have some news to tell you all!" Alan started speaking and then nudged my arm. "Were having a baby" I said with my face gleaming with pride. Everyone was speechless, Austin came over to us first, "I'm so proud my little buddy is having a baby with this beautiful woman" and then he hugged me and Alan, then Kellin ran over and gave me the tightest hug ever, then him and Alan went over to the counter.

Damien still sat in his chair, staring at me, he started smiling and walking over with a tear rolling down his cheek, "I'm so happy for you both, congratulations!" I hugged him. I saw him walk over to Alan and give him a bro hug.

I logged onto twitter later on that day and saw multiple tweets from loads of people, I read few some "Congratulations @AlanAshby and @Lilyxo(made up btw)" how did people even find me and more importantly how did people know about our baby, I went onto Alan's twitter and saw the most gross picture of me asleep and him taking the photo and pulling a face, with the caption "Our baby will be beautiful everyone;p!" I couldn't help but 'aww' at the caption.

I found multiple tweets from Of Mice and Men fans, the one that caught my eye was "Aw wow, I can't wait for @AlanAshby and @Lilyxo to have their baby already, make sure you bring it on tour?!" I replied back "I'll try and convince Alan to let me bring it haha!" I loved all the tweets I was getting.

I could see that their fans were clearly not annoyed but as excited as we were!

On my 16th week scan we could finally find out what gender the baby was going to be, I couldn't wait, we both didn't mind what it would be as long as it was healthy and ours. The ultrasound went well and they then told us the news "It's a.....Boy! congratulations!" me and Alan screeched as we hugged each other, I couldn't be happier, me and Alan had already decided on baby names from the start of the pregnancy.

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