Chapter one

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"Hey! Look! It's the freak!"

"Please. God, not today," You think. It was Mallory. She was the biggest drama queen in the school. She always picked on you. You couldn't really blame her, though.

"Go away, Mallory!" You shout. Of course she was picking on you at lunch time...

"Did you hear that girls?" She said, turning to face her 'pack'. Hoes always come in packs.

"Hm? Why, no! I don't speak little BITCH!" Katie said. Katie was her most loyal follower, which, surprise surprise, meant she was as worse. You put your ear puds in and tried your best to block out their talk, but only to have your ear puds pulled out along with some hair. You yelped in surprise...

Of course...

It was Mallory.

"So, freak... How's your dreams going?"

"Shit!" You thought. Mallory and Katie always taunted you about this. Your dreams were... Let's just say... Weird. You loved the show Supernatural, which caused you to dream about it frequently. But, it was so real to you and you always awoke with cuts and bruises from the fights that went on in your dreams. It freaked you out, but you got used to it after awhile. You told no-one, in the fear you would get sent to a crazy asylum or something, but one day Mallory and her pack got a hold of your diary... Things went down hard after that.

"Mallory! Stop it! It's non of your concern! Just..." You stopped. Everyone was looking at you. Anxiety got the best of you and you shrunk back down. Some people snickered.

"How's mommy and daddy doing?" She asked in a childish manner.

This got you.
And, god, did it sting.
Mallory knew your parents fought all day everyday, and sometimes they take their anger on you. You stood up and left Mallory and her pack of bitches, but only to be followed by them.

"You didn't answer my question, you freaky bitch!" You heard Mallory shout. As soon as you were about to scream for them to shut up, someone pushed hard against a locker.

"I heard your pissing my girl off, you little shit!" Some spat in your face.

Your eyes widened in fear.

It was Austin Young.

"God... Why... Why me...?" You prayed for this to all end.


You were definitely fucked. Austin was one of the popular football players. He was pretty buff. He was also as rich as Mallory and Katie. Which, by the way, was pretty damn rich. He had you pushed violently against the wall.

"Damn," you thought, "It's feels like a demon is holding me against the wall... Again." You remember the last dream you had. You had been trapped by a demon, which was killed by Sam. You mentally shook that out of your head. You had more things to attend to. For example, being shoved against a locker by a popular football player.

"What do you want Austin?" You spat back.

That was the worst mistake ever.

You felt a stinging pain on your cheek as your head jerked to the side.

The bastard hit you.

Mallory and her pack laughed and Austin grabbed your head and made you look at him. He looked pissed.

"Don't fucking touch my girl, you bitch!"

Austin then hit you. Hard.

He let go of you and you went limp to the floor. Your tears finally come. Mallory and her pack's laughter faded away, but you could still hear it ringing in your head. You've had worse in your dreams, yet you never cried. Why? You jumped at the sound of the bell going off. The next thing you knew, students crowded the halls, pushing and shoving just to get to their lockers or to class. You did the same. Your locker was at the end of the hall, making it seem like a eternity. Once you got there, the halls were empty...
You were alone again. You smiled at the thought of it being the last period, but then frowned. It was Tuesday.

"Dammit," You though, yanking your book bag out of your locker, then slamming it shut. You ran to class to only be greeted with a very friendly smile. This is also why you loved last period. Mrs. Potosky was always nice. Her smile left her face and was replaced by worry.

"Ms. (L/N)... May I ask what happened to your eye? And, why are you so late?" She asked kindly, yet full of concern.

"M-my eye?" You asked. "This eye?" You asked pointing to it. You heard a snicker and from the corner of your eye you could see Mallory leaning towards Katie whispering something as Katie chuckled. You gulped down a lump which you had been holding.

"I tripped and hit my eye. I-I also dropped my bag. I'm so so sorry! It won't happen again! I swear!" You said. She smiled sweetly and nodded. When she turned around, you breathed a sigh of relief. You rushed to your seat and as you sat behind Mallory, you could hear something you wish you hadn't.

"I bet her mom and father fight about her."

Right then, you knew they were talking about you. Tears burned your eyes as you silently listen to them talk.

"Oh, yeah! And her dreams? I bet she lies and harms herself for attention!" Katie returned. Mallory snickered.

"Totally, girl," Mallory agreed. You put your hood up and you let the tears fall. That wasn't true. All of it... Right? You knew you didn't self-harm. You knew your parents don't hate you. They do hit you sometimes, but then the other parents backs you up. They love you. Yeah. Your parents lo-

"Ms. (L/N)?" You heard Mrs. Potosky call out. You looked up and saw all eyes on you.


That word rang threw your head.


Your fear.

You gulped and focused on Mrs. Potosky.

"I-I'm sorry. What is it you asked?" You questioned as you tried your best to block out the whispers and laughter.

"Are you feeling alright? Perhaps you could see the nurse about that eye of yours," She suggested. The whispers and laughter slightly grew.

You only nodded and grabbed your stuff, heading towards the door. You swore you heard Mallory whisper, "Bye-bye, slut." Once you made it out, you ran to the nurse.

Once you made it, the nurse called your mother to pick you up. You were glad since your mother rarely hit you, and if she did, she wouldn't stop apologizing. That is, if she was in a good mood. If she wasn't, you would hide in your closet. As for your father, he hit you frequently. No apologies. Just, hitting. After a good ten minutes, your mother showed up. She clearly wasn't happy.

Oh the way home, you lied to your mother.

"What happened to your eye?" She asked sternly.

"I tripped over my shoe laces and hit face first," You replied. All she did was nod. You looked out the window for the rest of the drive as your head started to pound.

Once home, you were glad to see your father sleeping on the couch. You ran up the stairs and into your room, shutting the door and locking it. You took off your shoes and hoodie, and walked over your bed with your IPod in hand along with your ear puds. You put in your ear puds and put on Crash and Burn by Thomas Rhett. You shut your eyes and wincing as the pain shot through you as you closed your left. A hot tear went down your face as you slowly faded into slumber, awaiting dreamland...

I hope you liked the song and the chapter. I know it's not really good, but please don't hate. I'm only 12 and this is my first. XD
But, yeah. Sorry for it being short and all.
Anywho, I hope it wasn't too bad. I suppose I will see you in the next chapter!

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