Chapter 2

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I never had that girl Brittany over. I told her I wasn't interested and that it would never happen, kinda harsh but all I wanted was Katy.

It's been two weeks of school and Katy and I have been talking, we are actually friends you can say. I just want her to be mine already but I know it's to soon. 

It was lunch and I can't find her. I decided to look in the quad and there she was, eating lunch with some girls. I was debating whether I should go up to her or not. I chose not to and leave her alone.

I sighed and kept walking towards the vending machine, I'm done with the school food.

"Hey John" I heard a familiar voice call my name making me smile like an idiot and turned around.

"Hey" I said to Katy. She looked so pretty. Her hair was split in the middle and curled. She had light make up on and she was wearing a black shirt with white shorts. Her body looked good as well.

She smiled and got out a dollar waiting in line with me.

"Are you done with the school food as well" I asked her chuckling.

"Yea, I fucking hate it" she whined but then giggling.

"Thank god we have open campus" I said and put my dollar in the machine and typing a number, I wanted some Doritos.

"I know right" she said then putting her dollar in. She got hot Cheetos.

"Are you going to the football game on Friday night ?" I asked her as we started walking together.

"Umm I'm not sure yet" she shrugged her shoulders and looked at me.

"Why ?" She asked.

"Just wondering. I'm playing and hopefully if you come, you will give me good luck" I smirked and playfully nudged her.

She laughed and scrunched up her nose witch I found the most adorable thing. God she was cute.

"Hmm maybe I'll stop by then" she smirked.

"Good" I smiled and walked her back to her table.

All the girls looked up from the table and giggled, trying to be cute making me chuckle.

"Hey John" one girl said laughing uncontrollably.

"Hiii" another said purposely putting her shirt lower. I gave Katy a look and she just laughed and sat down.

"I'll see you in 6th period" she said making me smile.

"It's a date" I teased making Katy playfully roll her eyes.

"You wish" she teased back and I laughed. Oh you have no idea.

I walked away and joined my football team shaking there hands and sat down.

"Yo you ready for the game John?" Matt asked me. He was a kicker. Our first football game was in two days.

"Yeah dude" I said and opening my bag of Doritos.

"We better win" Chad said taking a bite of his sandwich.

I just nodded while they all talked about Friday's game. I wasn't really paying attention instead I was staring at Katy. She was laughing. She was beautiful when she laughed.

Katy's POV

I was sitting with a few girls I met last week who kindly took me in there friend group. They were so nice and funny. There were 4 of them. Shannon, Mia, Cleo, and Sophia.

"How do you know John ?" Shannon asked. She was so short but she was the funniest of the group.

I don't know why they were all up on John. I mean yeah he's super attractive and sweet, but he was just a guy.

"We have some classes together" I shrugged and started eating my hot Cheetos I have been craving.

"He's so hot what even" Mia said picking at her salad.

"I know!" Sophia agreed.

"Calm down" I laughed, but they were right. John and I were friends and I'm actually kinda shock that he would even talk to me. When I first saw him, I thought he would be a douche like every popular guy is, but John was different.

"Look Katy he's looking at you!" Shannon said excitedly and pointed at him.

"Shannon stop pointing" I said embarrassed as I pushed her arm down.

I looked over at John who was with his football team eating lunch. And Shannon was right, he was right staring at me. He smiled and waved at me. I felt my self starting to blush and I quickly looked away.

"Get some Katy" Cleo giggled making us laugh.

"Oh my gosh you guys would be such a cute couple" Mia said and everyone agreed except me.

"I barely know him" I said annoyed. But to think of it we actually would. Stop Katy he probably doesn't even like you.

"Don't deny it Katy, you know you like him" Sophia said nudging my shoulder.

"What are we third graders" I joked making them giggle as they continued eating their lunch.

I looked back at John again and he was still staring at me, jeez. I probably have something on my face. I quickly grabbed my iPhone out and look to see if I do, witch I don't.

That's strange. What if he does like me?

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