Chapter 5

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I felt someone shift next to me as my eyes slowly opened, the sun instantly blinding me and I quickly put my hand over my face. I looked around the room, noticing I wasn't in my own room but in a girls room?

Then I remembered last night, smiling to myself as I turned around and faced a sleeping Katy. Her hair was messy and she was still wearing last nights clothes, so was I.

I stared at her in awe and softly caressed her cheek with my index finger, she was so beautiful and she didn't have to try witch amazed me.

Shit. I forgot I have practice today. I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and checked the time.

9:43 AM. Fuck I have practice at 10:15. I carefully got off of her bed and found my shoes, quickly putting them on. I ran my hand through my hair to make it look decent and tip-toed out of her room.

I sighed as I quietly walked down her stairs and out the front door. I wish I could just stay here and spend time with her instead, but if I stayed, her parents or whoever was home would probably question Katy on why she has a random guy in her room.

I got my keys out of my pocket and unlocked my truck. I felt bad for leaving Katy without saying goodbye, but she looked so peaceful and she had a rough night. I still can't believe what happened and I'm going to have to face Chad at practice. That's going to be fun. I turned my car on and drove off to school witch was about a 7 minute drive from Katy's house.

I parked my car in the school parking lot and grabbed my gym bag and headed to the locker room. It was 10'o clock exactly so I have about 15 minutes to get changed.

The locker room was empty so they must all be out on the field. I opened my locker and took off my shirt and pants and threw them in the locker. I felt disgusting I haven't shower since yesterday morning. I sighed and as I put on my Nike tank top and shorts then grabbed my football gear.

Just as I was about to close my locker my phone vibrated. I looked to see who texted me, Katy.

Where you are? :(

I smiled and quickly texted her back. I should have texted her right when I left and let her know where I went.

I'm sorry I had to leave early, I have practice right now :/ 

It's ok, I woke up and my cuddle buddy wasn't here 😏

Haha I'll make it up to you tonight. I can stop by and we can watch a movie if you want?

Hmm you can only come over if you bring me food ;P

I chuckled to myself. She was something else.

Deal, I gtg but I'll see you tonight :)

I sent smiling to my self as I put my phone back into my locker. I picked up my helmet and ran to the field, I was a little bit late.

I quickly put my shoulder pads and helmet on and joined my team that were running a lap. I couldn't wait for tonight. I just want her to be my girlfriend already. I feel like if I asked her out right now, it would ruin our friendship and that's the last thing I want. But her friends did say she liked me. I don't know, but I am going to ask her out one day. I want to get to know her a little bit more.

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