Chapter 12

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"Hey thanks for letting me stay at your place for a while " I said to Chad while grabbing my water bottle, drinking the refreshing liquid. Coach has us come in the weight room every morning before school at 6 AM and lift some weights.

"Anytime man, Jerry sounds like a fucking asshole" He said as he finished his set on the bench press. We switched places as he set me up.

"He is, I'm going to kill him one day" I replied clenching my jaw. I hated his fucking guts. I wouldn't actually kill him, but I wanted to hurt him so bad that he almost was dead.

"You can always report him to the police" Chad said while grabbing his to towel and whipping the sweat off his face.

"If I did that, he would get out in five years and be the same person before he went to jail" I said as I took big breaths, lifting the 45 pound bar up and down.

"Your right, well you can stay with me as long as you want, my parents love you more than me" he joked making me grin.

"Well I am more good looking" I smirked making Chad laugh loudly.

"Keep telling your self that" he said and took the bar out of my hands as we switched again.

"You can't mention this to Katy though" I said with straight face. I felt bad that I was keeping this from her, but Chad was my best friend and Katy was my girlfriend. Katy is scared of Chad, if she found out I was living with him she would be really upset.

"I know, but what if I apologi-"

"No I told you, stay away from her" I said making Chad sigh.

"Maybe she wouldn't be that scared of me if I apologized" he said as he began his set.

"I know, but still give her time. When she's comfortable with you, I'll let you know when you can go near her"


"What time is it?" Chad asked. I walked to my gym bag where my phone was and pressed the home button.

"7:26" School started at 8:30 so we still had an hour left. I was about to lock my phone when my phone buzzed and Katy's names popped up making me smile to myself.

Katy 😍: hey babe can you take me to school? Angela is sick so she can't take me.

Yea of course, what time do you want me to pick you up?

Katy 😍: thank you & 8:15, sorry for the short notice 🙄

Don't worry about it 😘 and ok I'll see you then babe. Can't wait to see your beautiful face ❤️

Katy 😍: 😘😘

I sighed happily as I locked my phone and slid it in my pocket. I grabbed my gym bag.

"Where you going?" Chad asked while doing pulls ups.

"I got to go I'll catch you in practice" I said as I put my hoodie on.

"Ok do you have the key to my house?"

"Umm no"

"It's in my gym bag and leave it under the mat" he said while pointing to his bag.

"Thanks, I'll see you later" I said and grabbed the keys and left.

Katy's POV

I rolled out of bed, still tired from last nights sleep. I am not a morning person at all. I wish school states at at 11, that would make people's life's way easier. I looked at the time, 7:50. Shit I only have 20 minutes to get ready.

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