eighteen - make-up

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(I was supposed to add this at the end of the last chapter but i forgot lol oops)
(Btw the GIF here doesn't fit the chapter but cal is just so gorgeous i had to)

Calum and Maely had been lying in bed for a total of seventeen minutes, and had just started watching Mean Girls (Calum's choice), when Luke burst through the door, his face bright red with anger.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, huh?" Luke yelled, ripping the computer from Calum's grip and throwing it onto another bed.

"What the-"

"Answer me!" Luke boomed, yanking Calum off the bed. "Trying to make me jealous by taking Maely back here?"

"Dude," Calum gasped for breath as Luke wrung his collar tightly, "What are you doing?"

"You're trying to make me jealous you little bastard!" Luke's face was now inches from Calum's as he yelled ruthlessly at him. "Making me look like the bad guy, when that's all that you are!"

Maely jumped off the bunk, hurriedly running towards the pair. She had had enough of their fighting.

"Stop! Luke, stop!" Maely tugged at the boy's arm. "LUKE!"

Still staring coldly into Calum's eyes, Luke shoved the boy into the bed harshly, before finally letting him go.

"Fuck you." Luke spat, his face showing nothing but absolute disgust.

"Luke-" Maely began to tell him off, but Calum quickly cut her off.

"Fuck you too." Calum retorted harshly, sliding up the wall and smoothing out his shirt.

"Calum!" Maely scolded, trying to control the fight. But it was too late; the damage was done.

She spun around to see Luke storming out of the room, angrily slamming the door closed behind him.

Maely turned back to face Calum, who was watching her intently, awaiting her reaction - would she be angry, upset, sad? Disappointed? Would she ignore him? Surely she'd be on his side.

"What the hell was that all about?" Maely asked, resting her hands on her hips as she stared at Calum accusingly.

"How should I know?" Calum turned to pick up his laptop and place it back on his bed.

"Well, he seemed pretty angry at you," Maely pointed out, "It couldn't have been for nothing."

Calum turned to face her, his expression slightly surprised.

"You think this is my fault?" Calum said. "He's the one who stormed in here, he's the one who shoved me against the wall, he's the one who yelled in my face - yet you're still blaming me."

Maely shifted uncomfortably, realising that he was, in fact, right. "Calum, I-"

Calum scoffed, "Save it, Maely. I can't do anything right, can I?"

"You know that's not what I meant." Maely took a step towards the boy, but he quickly shook his head.

"I'm sick of you treating me like I'm some... fuck up who never does anything right," Calum's voice raised, "You're just like everyone else."

"Calum, I never said that!" Maely argued - he was blowing things out of proportion.

Calum stared at the girl, his voice lowering to an even, emotionless deadpan.

"You didn't have to."


But it was too late. Calum had already stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him, shutting himself away from the rest of the world.

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