twenty-five - trapped

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When Maely woke, it was dark.

A thick blackness engulfed her, and no matter how much she squinted her eyes, all she could see was black. The ground beneath her was cold and hard, and where her pillow should've been there was just solid ground. Maely squinted her eyes again in an attempt to search through the blackness, and could make out four lines of soft light that made a rectangle - a door.

Maely scrambled onto her hands and knees and began crawling towards the light, but she was yanked back roughly by a force she couldn't see. She let out a yelp at the pain that shot to her wrists, and she quickly looked down at them.

Two silver cuffs were wrapped tightly around her wrists, digging into her skin so much that it bled. Her eyes trailed further down and noticed that they were attached to two thick, silver chains that were joined to a metal plate fixed to the wall.

Panic ran through Maely's body and she couldn't help but let out a loud shriek. She felt cold and bare, and she looked down and noticed for the first time that she was dressed in nothing but her underwear and bra, and she instantly wrapped her arms around herself. Her body was cold and dirty, and she felt weak and tired.

Seconds later, Maely heard loud, heavy footsteps and the door was thrown open and the light flicked on, letting a stream of brightness pierce her sore eyes. Maely threw her hands over her face in an attempt to shield them from the pain of the light, but it was no use.

Maely slowly opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the light, and it wasn't long before she could see the horrific sight before her.

"Hello, darling." An evil, terrible smirk made it's way onto Jaxon's face as he took in the sight of his dream lover. He held a metal dinner plate with a slice of bread and a stick of celery on it in one hand, and a metal mug of water in the other.

Maely scampered away from him, pressing herself against the wall in the hope that it would be kind and swallow her whole, but she wasn't yet delusional enough to truly believe that it would happen.

Jaxon chuckled, taking a step forward, and placed the plate and mug on the ground several metres from Maely's shaking body. "Don't be so afraid."

"How did I get here?" She managed to stutter out, her body curled into a ball in a useless attempt to protect herself.

Maely remembered the night before perfectly - Calum was upset, and they had gone to a night club after the show. He'd flirted with some girl, and Maely had ran outside. Jaxon had gotten a hold of her, but Calum and the boys came to her rescue. They went back home, and Maely and Calum had made their relationship official. They'd retreated to the spare bus once again and shown their feelings for each other in a more intimate way, before finally falling asleep in each other's arms. After that, all she remembered was waking up in the dark.

"It was quite smart on my behalf, I must admit." Jaxon paced the room menacingly, his foot steps adding to Maely's heightened nerves. "I won't state my source, but I used the old napkin-over-the-face trick. I broke into the venue and then into your bus, and drugged both of you so that you passed out. Moved your little boy-toy out of the way and took you with me. Nobody saw me - they should really get some better security over there. Quite impressive, hey?"

Maely let out a sob. She wanted Calum - no, she needed him. "Why are you doing this?"

Jaxon stopped pacing and knelt down before Maely, their eyes now level. "I love you."

"This isn't love." Maely argued, her voice bitter and void of emotions.

"I love you." He repeated. "And I don't care if you don't love me back, because I'll make you. We're together now, and we will be forever. No interruptions. We can have a life here, we can be happy. We can have a family, Maely. Don't you want that?"

"Not with you." Maely shook her head, tears streaming down her face.

Jaxon lowered his voice to a whisper. "But you will. Just wait." He reached out a hand to caress Maely's face, but she quickly yanked her head back. He stood up quickly, angry at being rejected by her once again.

"Where's Calum?" She asked, desperation and worry filling her voice. "Is he hurt?"

Jaxon rolled his eyes. "I didn't touch your pansy little boyfriend - I told you, I moved him out of the way. I didn't hurt the bitch."

Maely breathed a sigh of relief - Calum was okay. That was all that mattered.

"But I can't make any promises."

Maely's head shot up, her eyes wide. She scrambled forward, now at Jaxon's feet, and shook her head quickly.

"Please." She begged, her hands clutching his boot-covered feet. "You can hurt me all you want - hurt me, kick me, beat me, rape me, destroy me, kill me even. But please, just don't hurt him."

Jaxon glanced down at Maely, watching her beg at his feet. Body filling with anger at her love for another man, he kicked her away from him harshly and stood by the door.

He pointed down at the metal plate and mug that had been forgotten throughout their encounter. "Eat - the celery'll help you slim down. I'll be back later."

And he was gone.

Maely scrambled around the room, her hands thrust out before her body as she felt around until she finally found her food and water. Maely grasped the metal plate and mug in her hands and brought them towards her body. She picked up the slice of bread and shoved it in her mouth hungrily, before devouring the stick of celery and gulping down the mug of water.

Maely stared at the plate before her, her eyes finally adjusting to the darkness. She looked at the plate, clean of crumbs, and felt disgusted at her behaviour. She felt like an animal, tearing any food she could find to pieces.

Maely crawled back into her corner, wrapping her arms around herself once again, trapped and alone in the darkness.



the next chapter in cal's pov will be short as well, but the one after that is going to fucking long so please hang on for that (:

so basically if you didn't catch the drift, calum and maely did the dirty (*throws holy water on self*) and then jaxon drugged them both and kidnapped her because he's a psychopath (legit) and wants her for himself

anyway i hope you enjoy,
i promise i'll update that next short chapter real soon (:


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