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Hey guys!

Sorry this isn't an update, I'm working on the next chapter right now. It's quite lengthy and full-on so it should be up in about a week (maybe longer).


I'm here to talk about something else.

I've published a new book!

It's called voicemails, so if you go onto my account then you can read it (:

It's a Luke fanfic and it's basically about when he moves away to pursue his career and he leaves his best friend behind. It's quite sad, but it's a short story so it's really easy to read, too.

I'm going to be uploading a couple of other new fanfics soon as well - one of which is called neighbour and is another calum one, and the other one is called saviour, but i'm undecided as to who it will be (either calum or ashton). neighbour is super cute, and saviour is quite deep and sad. groupie is sort of a mix of the two, but i really wanted to explore some new ideas in my writing.

i also might start reviewing other fanfics, so if anybody would actually be interested in reading that then let me know in the comments (:

ANYWAY enough of that, i'll let you all know when my other two new books are released.

but for the time being, PLEASE GO CHECK OUT VOICEMAILS!!! if you hate it, let me know! if you love it, let me know as well! 

i'll update groupie soon

emily xx

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