Ch.2: Thoughts

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Right when Kayla woke up on the second week, she grabbed the second book and began to read. 

Alright, where did we leave off? Ah yes, Boromir is dying.

Thoughts washed through her mind as she read the words. Each chapter brought a new storyline, new characters, new plot. She felt connected to each of the characters as if she knew them. Maybe it was because they had something she didn't have; connection, friendship, and belonging. 

One Friday night, Kayla zipped over each page coming to the beginning of a battle. Helm's Deep. She quickly looked at the clock and did a double take. It was midnight.

"Oh crap, I need to sleep." She put the book on her bedside table, turned off the lights, and went to bed.


The next morning, Kayla grabbed the book off her bedside table and began reading again. As she read, she wondered how wonderful it would be to live in Middle Earth, where she would have a community, where people would appreciate her cooking and talent for medicine. Soon she was turning to the final chapter. 

"Eat breakfast, then come back," she decided. 

Kayla put on her robe, walked downstairs to the kitchen, and began to make Oatmeal. As she prepared her food, her mind played with the idea of living in Middle Earth. Kayla made herself a bowl of oatmeal and dressed it to her liking: Brown sugar and cream. Where would she fit in best? The Shire was perhaps the greatest location. It was peaceful, full of kind people, good food, and community. 

"Wipe that stupid smile off your face, you look like you're high." Her mom walked into the kitchen. Kayla jumped and almost dropped her bowl.

"Good morning, mom," she said. Rivendell was also peaceful, but she couldn't speak Elvish. 

"Yeah, yeah," her mom grumbled. 

Kayla rested her head on her hand as she stirred through her oatmeal with a spoon. As lovely as living in the Shire would be, she would be quite out of place as a human amongst Hobbits. 

"Kayla- Are you even listening to me?" Her mom waved her hand in front of Kayla's face.

"Hm?" Kayla looked at her.

"Your father and I are going to the city for the day," her mom continued. "I have an appointment at the clinic."

"That's nice." Kayla continued eating her oatmeal. 

The thought of living in Middle Earth started to sound very tempting. If only it was possible-Kayla stopped mid-thought.

"THAT'S IT!" She slammed her hand down on the table.

"Jesus Christ, Kayla Riana! What are you on?!" Kayla's mom jumped up. "I'm still talking to you and you're staring at your food!" 

Kayla furrowed her brow. "I'm sorry, I'm just not quite awake yet." 

"Are some of those medicine herbs getting to you?" Her mother looked at her. 

"No, mom. They're completely harmless," Kayla replied and her lip twitched. "You and Dad are the ones indulging in the green." Her mother gave her a warning look and she shut her mouth. 

"Kayla, it's like you don't even care about us," her mother said abruptly.

Kayla frowned with a dubious expression. "Mom, I literally do everything for you and Dad." 

"Well start caring!" 

Kayla almost laughed and put her bowl in the sink. "I do! Do you even care for me?" 

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