Ch. 4: Starting the Lifestyle.

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Three days it took to build that trap. Three days! But it was finished. A wooden cage, bound with rope that Rosa found in some cabinets in the bedroom. A trip wire triggered the whole thing. You never expect it. Unless you're extremely smart.

Rosa crouched down behind some bushes with a butcher knife she had traded a bag of wild mushrooms for. It would be awhile before an animal was trapped, but it would be worth the wait. The cage was big enough the trap a full grown buck. After a couple minutes of waiting and dreaming of what sort of meat she would catch, the sound of something dropping was heard along with a grunt. At first Rosa thought it was a bear, but sorry did she feel when she found the cloaked man under the cage.

"Oh my Go- I am so sorry! That was meant for a large animal!" Rosa exclaimed as she walked over to the man. "Which you are not..." 

"At least no one is hurt." The man said. His face was covered by the cloak's hood. The only description that Rosa could see of him were little glimpses of dark brown hair. "Would you aid me in getting out of this?" He asked, trying to lift the cage.

"Well what you're are doing won't help very much. The way the system works is the more you strangle, the harder it is to get out." Rosa hinted.

"I did not ask how not to get out. Let me out, and I will be on my way." The man looked at her. The only features of his face that was not in the shadow of his hood was his mouth, chin and beard.

He almost looked like- no, he should be in Gondor. Besides, she didn't know what Aragorn truly looked like. Any brown-haired man could be in a dark cloak in the forests of Bree.

"Thank you, My Lady." The man nodded his head, then went on his way.

"Excuse me." Rosa spoke up.

"Yes?" The mysterious man turned back towards her.

"You're heading towards Bree, is that correct?" Rosa asked.

"Yes, why?" The man nodded.

"I live there, is it all right if I join you on the way back? It's almost dark, and I don't know the forest like the back of my hand."

The man looked back down the road. "I suppose it wouldn't be a bother."

"Oh, thank you." Rosa smiled and walked over to the man's side. The walk was silent, and soon it started to rain.

"Dang it," Rosa mumbled.

The man looked at her. It wasn't a normal phrase in Middle Earth. They soon arrived at the gate, the mysterious man knocked on the wall, the latch opened and the old man looked out.

"Who goes- Oh, Rosa. And- hello." The old man looked down. "Come on in." The gate opened and the two entered.

"Would you like to come to my house to dry off, have something to eat?" Rosa asked. "It's the least I could do, after ensnaring you in my animal trap." 

"I was planning on staying at the Inn," the man replied. "And I hate to intrude and eat a stranger's food." 

"No it's completely alright, besides, they charge you at the Inn," she insisted.  

The man thought for a minute, he only had enough money in his pocket for a room. He glanced back at the wooden gates. It would be too late to try to hunt for anything, and building a fire in the rain to cook over would be nearly impossible. He turned back to Rosa and found comfort in the calm, friendly expression on her face. 

"Thank you for the offer, I will accept it," he said. 

Rosa showed him the way to her small house. She opened the door, they walked into the kitchen and sat down at the dining table. The man took a knife from his cloak and set it on the table. Rosa grabbed two squares of cloth and began to dry her wet hair.

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