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The moment was silent, except for the weeping from the hobbits. I moved my arm to give comfort to the little ones, then cried out in pain. Aragorn turned towards me. I looked at my shoulder to see that it was pierced by an arrow. I grimaced as I pulled the arrow tip from my shoulder like a fool. I stared at the bloodied head and the pounding in my head grew worse. I felt nauseous and dizzy. 

"Rosa, are you hurt?" Aragorn asked, still a little ways away from me. 

"I'm... I'm okay..." I breathed out.

Legolas seemed to be getting closer to me by the second. Was I going to be sick again or faint? I couldn't tell. Black spots dotted my vision. I moved to take a step forward just to prove that I was fine, but my legs felt weak and they failed on me. I expected my head to hit the rocky ground, but instead, a hand caught it. 


My body felt light as if I were floating. My eyes peered open, all I could catch before my eyes closed again was a tall, pale, blonde person carrying me. If I didn't know any better I would think he was Legolas, but he wasn't. In fact, I didn't see him or anyone else anywhere. My eyes opened again. An elf was carrying me. It seemed like he was running. I opened my mouth to speak but only a stifled groan came out. He looked down at me and spoke. 

"Do not fear. You fainted after receiving an arrow in your shoulder. Your companions are with my fellow scouts, I am taking you to Lorien where you are to receive medical care." He spoke

"Who are you?" I mumbled.

"My name is Haldir, I..." That's all I could catch before my eyes closed again.


The air was cool, the sounds of soft singing filled the air. My eyes opened. I was in a tent on an extremely comfortable cot, dressed in a soft, white dress. No more pain was felt in my shoulder. I sat up and walked outside the tent where the rest of the Company sat. Other tents were set in the area.

"Rosa!" Pippin shouted. 

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing, towards me. Aragorn and Legolas immediately stood up and Aragorn rushed towards me then embraced me in a hug. 

"Hi," I breathed out. 

"Hi? That's all you have to say after you scared us half to death?" Aragorn pulled away. 

"Don't blame me. I just got carried off by Haldir away from you all, clueless of what was happening," I said.

"Forgive me, I was worried. We all were after you collapsed in front of us with an arrow in your shoulder." Said Aragorn. "Thank the Valar Legolas was close enough to catch you."

I looked at the elf. "Thank you." 

He nodded in reply. 

"We took turns carrying you to the woods of Lothlorien," Boromir added. "Except Gimli and the halflings of course."

"Thank you." I looked at all of them. "And sorry for causing you all to worry."

"We'll be staying here for a while," said Merry. "So that gives us time to read the books!" I smiled.

"Now slow down you two," Sam started. "She's been through a lot, give her some time to rest."

"I think I can manage, Sam," I said. "But I think I'm going to take a walk through Lorien to clear my head and recover." 

Aragorn nodded at my request and I walked out of the circle of tents to the center of Lorien. I honestly didn't need to recover anymore, I felt great at the moment. But I'm not missing the chance to roam around Lothlorien. Would you really expect me to stay in one spot this entire time?

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