Welcome To Rivendell

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A/N: From now on I am going to do the story in Rosa's point of view. Kay, bye!


Right when we arrived in Rivendell Sam asked where Frodo was. He got his answer, and the three Hobbits went to see him.

"See Aragorn? He's alright." I yawned.

The walk to Rivendell was tiring, and I was almost falling back into Aragorn.

"Yes, I am well aware of that." Aragorn nodded.

"Elessar, we meet again." Lord Elrond approached us and greeted Aragorn. "And you've brought a friend."

"Rosa Riana, of Bree." I bowed my head to the Lord of Rivendell.

"Tis my pleasure, Lady Rosa, of Bree." Elrond nodded as I stood up. He was just as I imagined him. Brown silky hair, soft brown eyes and fair skin. Tall as well. "The journey has been long. You must be tired, child. Allow my servants to take care of you."

And as if they knew, three young elf maidens came to my side. Elrond dismissed them and they escorted me into the palace. But instead of staying in the huge place, we went into the back yards, down a little stairway to a little building, almost a bathhouse.

"Hama sinome." One of them spoke in elvish.

"What?" I looked at her.

"Have a seat." She translated and pointed to a stool carved from stone. I did as I was told, and surprisingly, the seat was quite comfortable for stone. One of the maidens undid my hair that was tied back.

"Aiya, lle fin!" She seemed to exclaim.

"What?" I turned my head towards her. "I'm sorry, I don't understand elvish."

"Apologies. Have you not brushed your hair?" She repeated.

"No, I haven't gotten the chance since I've left Bree." I replied.

"We will take care of that for you." She patted my shoulder.

"Anyamie, sana sina ar nora ta yassen alu" The maiden behind me handed another a bucket, probably to fill with water.
The third walk over to me with a small scrubbing brush.

"Hold out your hands." She said. I lifted out my hands to her, and for the first time I realized how grimy and dirty they were. She scrubbed the already wet brush over my fingertips and nails. The maiden named Anyamie returned with a bucket of water and set it in front of the maiden behind me.

"Lean back," She said. I did as told and my hair dropped into the water.

"Mani er, Elathia?" Anyamie turned to the maiden behind me.

"Um.. Roses." Elathia replied.

I guess they were making some kind of soap for my hair. When Anyamie was done whatever she was doing, she handed Elathia a bowl of cream that had a sort of pink color to it. Elathia soaked my hair in water then started scrubbing my scalp with the soapy stuff. It smelled good, like roses. How funny, roses for Rosa.

Elathia rinsed my hair and patted my back indicating for me to sit up. Once I did, she set a towel on my head and started drying my hair. The maiden cleaning my hands was now filing my nails. I had never thought that elf maidens had nail filers.

"Ellawin, find-" Elathia paused and looked at me. "What's your name?"

"Rosa." I answered.

"Ah. Find Lady Rosa a dress." Elathia looked back at Ellawin, who nodded and walked back behind a wall.

"Oh, there's no need. I can just wear the clothes I'm in right now." I said.

"Oh no, M' Lady, your clothes are far too dirty to wear again. We will get them cleaned and mended." Elathia insisted. She took a comb from a counter and started combing back my hair.

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