A Journey Lies Ahead of Us

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The four hobbits lay sleeping in bed at the inn, Aragorn and Rosa sat by the window keeping watch for any Black Riders to come by. Rosa glanced at the four hobbits, then back at Aragorn. 

"So, were you going to inform me of this? Or just keep it a secret?" She whispered. 

Aragorn looked at her and held a sympathetic expression. "What do you know about the Last Alliance between Men and Elves?" 

Rosa thought for a moment. She knew a lot. A little too much to be considered normal. She planned out her answer and thankfully, it looked like she was trying to recall a historical fact. 

"That is when the Armies of Gondor led by King Elendil joined with the Elves to fight against the Dark Lord, Sauron. Sauron was defeated." 

Aragorn nodded. "What do you know about the Rings of Power?" 

"I thought that was a myth," Rosa lied. 

Aragorn shook his head. "The ring Frodo carries around his neck is Sauron's. Elendil's son, Isildur failed to destroy it after he defeated Sauron and it has landed in our hands. It is a powerful ring that must be destroyed." 

Rosa turned to look at the hobbits again. "What do you suppose you're going to do with them?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"We will take them to Rivendell to seek council from Lord Elrond," Aragorn answered. "He is a dear friend and very wise. He took me in as a child." 

Rosa smiled, remembering Aragorn's rich history. "You grew up with the Elves of Rivendell?" 

Aragorn nodded as his answer. Their conversation was cut short by the screams of Ringwraiths. They were even closer than before. Soon they came into view outside. They entered a different building where Aragorn had set up a ruse. After a brief silence, the screams were heard again. Rosa knew what had happened. The dark riders were tricked into thinking that we were in a different room, they attempted to kill us, but failed. All four of the hobbits were startled awake and they sat up in bed. 

"What are they?" Sam asked.

"They are the Nazgul. They were once mortal men, but now live in service of the Dark Lord. They will not stop until they find the Ring." 

Frodo gripped the ring that was chained around his neck.

"You four get some more sleep, you'll need it," Rosa suggested. 

The little hobbits obeyed her orders and leaned back into their beds.

"As the same for you Rosa." Aragorn nudged her. "I will stay up and keep watch."

"Alright." Rosa stood up and walked over to a bed. "Goodnight, Aragorn."

"Sleep well," Aragorn returned.


Aragorn lightly shook Rosa awake at sunrise. She quickly got out of bed and got herself ready for the journey, and she took the task of waking the four hobbits. They would have gotten a faster start if the hobbits didn't take so long to eat their breakfast, but Rosa couldn't blame them and their eating habits.

Aragorn led the way to Rivendell, Rosa stayed behind the hobbits to keep watch. Plus, she could hear what they were whispering. 

"How do we know we can trust them?" Sam asked Frodo.

"He's here to help us, Sam," Frodo assured him.

"How do we know they're not servants of evil?" Sam questioned. 

"I think a servant of Sauron would be much fairer, and inviting," Frodo inferred. "Something to draw us in and easily take us." 

"Oi! Where are you takin' us?" Sam spoke up.

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