For Nick -him-

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I met a boy once.
He was the kind of boy who someone would describe as fun.

That boy was a real treasure, made from the stars.
But not anyone in his life, could see behind his perfect mask.

I met a boy once.
He was gentle and kind, with a true heart within.
He was the knight that every girl was waiting for,
but everyone failed to see.

I met a boy once.
He was distant and a bit lonely in the start.
Believing that he was safe living in his lie for another month.

I met a boy once.
A boy who seemed so happy and free.
A boy who everyone thought had everything,
But how wrong were they really?

I met a boy once.
A boy that many of us, could never truly understood.
A special boy who saw magic in everyone.
A boy who would sacrifice himself, even for someone like me and for you.

I met a boy once.
From day one I could see behind his tears.
I could see the loneliness, that he so much feared.
I could touch his soul with my bear hands.
Telling him that winter, is close to an end.

And he wanted to believe me,
I know he did.
But sometimes the demons in our heads,
Don't go away that easy.

But here is the thing that I'll never quite understand.
A very small thing but very important as well.

Once my words were heard,
He felt a calmness inside.
He found his happy place,
And in there, now he hides.

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