Motherf*cking As*holes

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Here's the biggest truth in this twisted game we call life. 

People do not leave.....we push them away.

 Sometimes because we are scared. 

Sometimes because we just want them to get hurt.

 Sometimes because we want to hurt ourselves but don't have the guts to take a razor or a pill, so we use them instead. 

Sometimes because we know we're going to hurt them by our actions and our personalities so we deside that if we make them leave us, we will hurt them less. 

Sometimes because we understand how fucked up we trully are and when the time comes...we choose their happines over ours. 

It doesn't really matter why or how we push them away. 

It matters that we do.

 And what matters more is the things we do and say about them...after we make them leave us. 

Cause even if we don't want to admit it the only reason we put ourselves through this painfull situation is because we need to blame someone else for our fucking mistakes. 

That's what kind of motherfucking assholes we are.

That's what kind of mutherfucking asshole he was, is and always will be.

And that's what kind of motherfucking asshole I am because 

I still need Him.

I still want Him.

And worst of all I still love Him unconditionally.

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