Broken Glass

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Professor asked us once,

"If you could have anything that this world could offer you,

What would you chose?"

In an instant, I thought of you.

I came to you at break,

we were still together I recall.

You were talking to your fake friends,

about some other girl.

I didn't mind back then,

so I didn't talk.

I only came beside you,

and told you really slow.

"They could offer me the whole damn world and I would still choose you without a second thought."

You looked at me for a while then,

with a look that didn't show any love.

I must have been crazy at that time,

staying with someone that shaking his head was his only response.

Years later I managed to move past you though.

Found a good, honest man that knew how to give me love.

But in my prefect life, there still was a hole.

Cause after everything you've done to me, you're still the one that I adore.

It took me months to realize where was the real fault.

And only in my wedding day, did you become exposed.

Walking me down the aisle, a fake smile on your face.

Holding me by your side, breathing in with grace.

Leaning closer and closer, not caring for the crowd.

Telling me exactly the one thing, you knew I'd die for.

"You can marry however you want, but I would too choose you, my one and true love."

And just like that my perfect little world turned to ashes,

cause everything you ever did, was clenching me

'till the glass finally crashes.

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