Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"You know, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender - people are people."

-Judith Light

"So, I guess it's safe to assume you haven't been smoking pot, then?"

Now, here's the thing about me. In a situation where I'm unsure how to process whatever's going on, I tend to try and make light of it. It wasn't the best coping method, (let's just say my Great Aunt Roberta didn't talk to me for several months after I commented my Great Uncle's funeral that 8 am was a little early and I was not a "mourning" person) and it could definitely make a situation awkward.

Well, if we're being honest, when is finding your fake-brother making out with another guy in a Lost and Found closet not awkward?

Ha, closet.

Seriously, the irony here! Also, if Jackson didn't want anybody to know about this, why the hell would he do it at SCHOOL in an UNLOCKED area? Anybody could waltz in - like me, for instance!

Come on, Peeta, get your head in the game.

Jackson seemed to snap out of his terrified stupor and gave me a brooding look, "We need to talk. Now." He turned to the other guy - who had been standing there awkwardly, staring at the floor - and whispered something in his ear before grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the Lost and Found closet.

Luckily, the tardy bell had rung and the hallways were deserted, but that also meant nobody was there to save me if Jackson decided it would just be easier to off me instead.

The truth was, my brain was still a little in shock at what I'd seen and a million thoughts seemed to be rushing at me all at once, and I didn't really have any answers for the questions bombarding me.

Jackson swiftly pulled me along until we got to the exit that led out to the back parking lot.

Ah, because where else are we going to have deep conversations at school?

Also, is nobody concerned that I'm skipping? I mean, in real life, if you weren't in class ten minutes after the tardy bell rang, they notified your parents immediately. You know what? I don't even care - let's just chalk it up to fictional story logic and leave it at that.

We walked a little farther until Fake-brother let go of my arm plopped down on the asphalt, his head in his hands. I felt like I was almost invading a private moment as I sat down next to him and waited patiently. Despite the craziness going on inside of my brain with this recent development, I wasn't going to demand an explanation from him about what I'd just seen - it wasn't my place to do that.

Okay, serious question.

Is it too early for 'in the closet' jokes?

"Look," Jackson snapped me out of my thoughts and brought my attention back to him, "I know you're confused right now. But before I tell you about this, I need you to promise me that this conversation stays between us, okay? You can't tell Tiana, Mom and Dad, not Skylar - certainly not Skylar - or anybody else. If you do, I'm not kidding - I'll tell Mom you stabbed Ryder in the balls with your fork." The serious look on his face as his eyes bore into mine definitely intimidated me. The truth was though, I didn't have any plans on blabbing anyway, blackmail or not. Despite my impulsive behavior, I had enough self-control not to blurt out someone's darkest secret when it wasn't mine to tell.

However, stabbing people? That's another story.

Also is Jackson fucking blackmailing me right now?

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