Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

-J.K. Rowling

If someone had told me two weeks ago that I would soon be eating pizza and having a conversation with a guy that looks scarily similar to Harry Styles, I would have laughed. Well, okay, I probably would have asked for more details first, but then I would've laughed.

I mean, don't get me wrong, all of this was absolutely insane. Waking up in a fictional novel? Hanging out with werewolves? Becoming a Queen?

You know, I really should be writing this down for my autobiography.

Or at least practicing for my Barbara Walters interview.

Of course, that's assuming they don't lock me up in a mental health facility beforehand.

"Uh, Cal? Calypso?"

I was jolted out of my thoughts by the light touch on my arm. Mason stared at me in slight confusion and amusement.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," I smiled sheepishly, "Just lost in my thoughts. So you're really getting a tattoo of my name?"

And by that, I mean you and Harry Styles.

"Yeah, definitely."

"Oh, wow, that's pretty cool, Harry--"

His smile immediately dropped.

Oh shit.

Shit, shit, shit.

You know that moment when you say something and the minute the words leave your mouth you just know you made a mistake?

Yeah, that pretty much summed up how I was feeling.

Okay, is it really my fault though? I was thinking about both Mason and Harry getting tattoos, and to be fair, they do look exactly like, so...

It took Mason a moment to realize I'd addressed him as Harry, but when he did, his eyes narrowed and he frowned.

"Did you just call me 'Harry'?" He focused his attention on me.

Okay, Cal, time to think of an excuse.

Seriously, anything would do.

Come on, Cal, you need to say something!

Mason continued to look at me - waiting for an answer - and feeling the heat of his gaze, I decided to go with denial. "What? No, you must've heard wrong," I laughed nervously.

It's times like these where I really wish I wasn't such a shitty liar.

Like, do they have a class for that or something?

Well, either way, crisis averted. He seems to have bought it.


"No?" I repeated.

He was still frowning - almost as if he was disappointed - and for a split second, I understood why people were frightened by him: his stare was intimidating as fuck.

And hot.

Definitely hot.

"I spend my entire day dealing with people - most of whom are much better liars than you," Mason said with an unreadable look, "I want to know who this 'Harry' is and why I remind you of him." At the name 'Harry', his mouth seemed to almost curl up in a snarl.

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