Chapter 6: D-Day 2 Realizations

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First night's interview...

PD: "Please say something about your experience today."

Jiyong: "To be honest? I'm quite speechless." (dead pan serious)

(Rakes hair) "I am so tired and all worn out I really don't know what to say."

PD: "It's okay. We understand that. All first timer dads experience that."

Jiyong: "This is actually scaring me. (face palms and scoffs)

You see... I just finished taking a bath and when I faced the mirror, it seems like I have aged a lot in a day. Really." (laughs)

"Aaah!!!" (faces the camera)

"Yeobo. Please don't get shocked when you come home."

PD: "You are worried about shocking your wife with your appearance?"

Jiyong: "Of course! My wife is a vampire. Beautiful. Forever young. She's found the fountain of youth. Everyone knows that. And at the rate things are going, I might soon look like a dried squid beside her."

PD: (laughs) "You're kidding. You are G-Dragon. Sandara-ssi is a vampire and you're a dragon. You two are immortal, unreachable beings," (started joking)

Jiyong: "A dragon lives forever right? But I'm telling you... (sighs) I might be the one to break that belief."

PD/Cameraman: (laughing hard)

Jiyong: "Aisht this is killing me. And one more thing... Can you guys keep a secret?"

PD: "Until this episode airs? Yes."

Jiyong: "Uhm... Yongdu has been feeling not really well because he said his tummy feels uncomfy. When I put them to sleep earlier, he was the last to fall asleep. I think it's because he didn't poop this morning. Aisht. I hope he dumps everything tomorrow morning."

PD: "Be careful of what you wish for,"

Jiyong: "If he poops... It's going to be a good thing, right? " (blinks doubtfully)

Jiyong woke up at the sound of one of his sons' whine followed by something rolling on his back. He just took a deep breath and closed his eyes once more, feeling still tired and sleepy because he went to bed late after a short interview, not having been used to sleeping while being surrounded by cameras.

"Appa... Wake up juteyo appa..." he slightly heard. He knew it was Yongdu just by the way the boy spoke, the kid's voice a bit husky and hoarse.

"Please give appa some more minutes. Appa is really tired," Jiyong groaned.

"Appa... Appa..." Yongdu whined once more, about to cry why rolling behind Jiyong's back but it was not the boy's plea that made Jiyong snap his eyes open.

It was a smell of something foul and seemingly rotten. He rubbed his eyes and saw that Yong il and Yongse were still sleeping soundly.

"Appaaaaaaaa!" Yongdu cried out and when Jiyong held Yongdu, his hand landed on the boy's diaper. Jiyong's eyes widened in an instant when he felt something gooey and sticky in his palm.

"Appaaaa! Yongdu pooooppeed! Help Yongdu juteyooooo! Appaaaaa~!!!"


"That was some wake up call, Yongdu. What an alarming morning," Jiyong said as he brought the boys down the living room, his energy drained, after cleaning the boys' room and taking a bath with them. He was planning to take the boys out and just grab some breakfast outside but shit happened.... And for him... Yes.

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