Chapter 9: Growing Up With Sweet Yong Il

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"Oh my God! Aaaah!!! Andwae!!! "

Jiyong covered his sons eyes when he had a hunch of what the first scene of his cut might be while the whole family waited in anticipation. Jiyong felt his toes curl in shame, his cheeks red in embarrassment.

Dara pulled his hand to her and kept him still with an assuring pat on his back.

"It's okay Ji. You look so adorable, " she giggled and faced the triplets who were dumbfounded seeing their father on TV.

"Appa! Appa! " Yong il kept pointing while Yongdu and Yongse watched in silence.

"Aigoo, Jiyong. You're totally smitten by your wife, " Kwon grandpa joked as he ticked his tongue making everyone laugh.

Being shown on the TV screen was the scene when Dara prepared foods for the staff and when she went upstairs to say goodbye to him. Jiyong was felt so embarrassed by the way he acted childishly to his wife but as the scenes went on, he started to laugh at himself and how confused he looked while moving around their own house.

Everyone eyed him with scrutiny though when he was caught sleeping at the living room while his sons started to wake up one by one. He clamped his mouth and recalled that Yong il wailed so hard that day. And now he found out why.

On the TV, it was Yongdu who woke up first followed by Yongse. The two woke the eldest up but when Yong il sat up still half asleep, it seemed like the first thing the boy saw were the tents and the cameramen that's why he freaked out.

"Yong illie, don't cry anymore, " Yongdu hugged his brother who was seated beside him and was watching the show intently. He kissed him when he didn't get a reaction and Yong il finally returned a smile to his brother.

"Aww they're so adorable!" Dami looked at the two with so much affection.

The following scenes made them gasp in shock like when Jiyong went ballistic after checking out and searching about his wife on different sites and started sending out threats to Dara's co-stars in her upcoming movie. Il Woo and Soohyuk were interviewed then and the two men were laughing when they sent Jiyong their good luck messages.

Soohyuk: Jiyong-ah, are you crazy? *laughs horrendously*

Il Woo: *tries to control his laughter* Kwon Jiyong-ssi, I know living alone with three children to look after is hard but please stay strong! Fighting! *starts to laugh hard*

Soohyuk: *serious* I've known Jiyong and Dara noona for quite a while already and in our circle of friends, it's not really a surprise if he acts like this because of her. He's always been so possessive and protective when it comes to Dara noona.

Ilwoo: I was actually closer to Sandara-shi though I have known Jiyong-shi for so long. We became friends too because he told me he believes in the saying "Keep your friends close, your enemies, closer." *looks at Soohyuk and starts to laugh together again.


"Hey... Penny for your thoughts?" Dara wrapped her arms around Jiyong who was standing by the door to the garden, his back facing her.

After watching the show, wherein everyone laughed and teared up especially during that home recording studio scene with the triplets, the kids were already very sleepy. Dara had to rush to make them eat supper and then bathe them before tucking them into bed. Jiyong wanted to help her but Dara shooed him away, wanting him to spend some more time with his family.

And now that she was done taking care of her little boys, she now has to take care of the bigger one.

Jiyong twisted in her arms and spun around to face her. "They're already asleep?" He asked but creased her forehead when he noticed her hair was damp. "You've showered,"

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