Give Me Some Love Too!

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It was their commercial shoot that day and Jiyong decided to drive their own car while another one from YG composed of stylists and managers followed them. The staff and crew of ROS arrived early at their house that morning and carefully attached some cameras inside their car making sure the device would be able to film all the scenes before, during, and after the commercial shoot, and then went ahead of them to the filming site.

Though Dara was a bit nervous on how the kids would do, Jiyong kept her calm, holding her cold hands during the drive. The triplets seemed ecstatic on the other hand, singing their "Yongie Song" that Jiyong sang to them weeks ago during their first ROS shoot. Knowing that they are going to wear something similar to their dad's made them excited too.

They were going to shoot for Korean Export Bank ad  that day and the kids though a bit shy, were still full of energy. Dara had prepared their clothes last night and Jiyong, though it's been years since they got married, was still in so much awe of his wife, adoring and loving how attentive she was of their family and even of the people they work with. The moment they arrived, she quickly dispensed the food and beverages she personally packed for everyone sending a light working atmosphere at the site.

Jiyong just finished dressing up, and Dara was just about to get her make up done after getting the triplets ready, when the director approached them.

"Boys, come here!" Jiyong waved at his sons who were gathered around their mom. Dara stood up too and  pushed the kids forward, urging them to go to their father.

"Come here, boys. I taught you how to greet people properly, right?" Dara asked. Yongdu was the only one to nod. Yong il ran behind Jiyong while Yongse lowered his head and smiled shyly.

"Yong il, Yongdu, Yongse, let's greet the director... One... Two... Three,"

"Annyeonghateyooo!" The three finally said as they bowed deeply. Dara patted their head and greeted the delighted director, followed by Jiyong who was smiling proudly.

"Good morning. Aigoo! Such adorable kids!," the director smiled at them. "It's such a delight to be finally working with you again, Jiyong-ssi, Dara-ssi."

"It's been a while since our last, CF," Jiyong rubbed his nape shyly. "The last one was for that Moonshot CF I did with my wife. And now we are here  with our kids."

"Aigoo... ..." The director smiled sheepishly. "I'll always be proud to be one of those few who knew you were already dating before your confession to the public,"

It made Dara blush and it did not escape Jiyong's eyes. He laughed and walked closer to Dara, wrapping an arm around her before facing the director once more. "It was not really that hard to guess, I think, that we were dating that time,"

Dara snickered and pushed Jiyong lightly away. Embarrassed by how Jiyong was starting to open up about their earlier years, she bowed politely to the director. "If you may excuse me, I still need to get my make up done,"

The director nodded and smiled at Dara. "Please go ahead,"

Jiyong released his wife and followed her with his gaze not minding the ROS crew filming them. He heard the director clear his throat and it somehow brought him back to reality.

"You haven't changed one bit, Jiyong-ssi." The director laughed a bit. "Guess she has you in the palm of her hands."

"Am I really that obvious?" Jiyong rubbed his lips as if trying to wipe the smile on his face but it was impossible.

"With the way you guard and stick around Dara-shi, it was the easiest to predict," the director grinned at Jiyong before kneeling down to see the triplets.

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