The Nation's Dream Husband

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"Ahhh Hyung, stop acting that way in ROS!" Seungri grimaced as he scooted away from Jiyong as if he was disgusted. They have just finished watching the latest episode at TOP's place over some drinks and Seungri, who at first was dying from laughter, was now almost throwing up. He flailed his hands dramatically and Jiyong was quick to hit him in the arm.

"What's the matter with you, huh? Stop what?" Jiyong asked before going back to his whiskey.

Seungri scowled at him before grabbing his glass and hurriedly dashed beside Youngbae who was seated across Jiyong. He thought for a moment if he should answer back but he knew deep inside that he couldn't just shut up so he went on. "Stop acting so submissive to Dara noona!"

"Hey!" Daesung who was slouched comfortably on the carpeted floor shot him a warning glare. "That's none of your business anymore, Seungri-ah."

"Daesung"s right," Youngbae seconded. "Besides, Jiyong's not acting it. He's naturally submissive to Dara noona." he said making everyone, even TOP who was in the kitchen listening to their conversation, hold in their laughter as they waited for Jiyong to react. "What?" he asked with his eyes disappearing as he grinned.

Jiyong rolled his eyes and shook his head. "No, no, no dude. Not even you!"

"Why?" Youngbae laughed at his best friend. "Let's face it, Jiyong. While you were born to be the superstar that you are, you were also destined to be Dara noona's slave all your life."

"Yah, Youngbae! Did I ruin a date or something? Why are you doing this to me?"

Youngbae just smiled at him and shrugged. " I'm just stating the obvious."

"Well Youngbae's right," TOP interrupted as he placed a platter of fruits on the table. "Even my household helps and the laundry ahjumma at my sister's place gossips much about how head over heels inlove you are with Dara noona. Your eyes are... How do they describe it again? Ah!" TOP looked up as he recalled and laughed manically after. "They're flashing hearts everytime Dara noona was mentioned."

"Really? Have I gone that bad?" Jiyong seriously asked the boys.

"Oh yeah! Just when we thought your previous interviews were the worst." Seungri scowled at him.

"Which makes me ask myself, how the hell did we stomach all those cheesy stuff he did for noona? Damn. But then she deserved it. Ahh, Jiyong is really the man."

"Exactly! He did all sorts of surprises and travels and escapades and not to mention that proposal. I mean, who proposes with a multi million villa in Jeju? Come on!" Seungri spat angrily and looked away, earning him a jab from Youngbae. "Ouch! Now what?"

"Yah, rat, why are so mad?" Youngbae asked and Seungri just frowned at Jiyong.

"You know what? It's because such guy as this guy in front of me exists that's why girls, all girls, dream of a perfect married life. And it's because this guy," he pointed directly at Jiyong, "This guy has done all the crazy cheesy sweet stuff that's why I everyone in South Korea thinks he's the nation's dream husband! Aisht! How dare CL compare me to him, huh? I even travel half across the earth to visit her but­-"

"Well you always travel," Daesung cut him off."

"Well... Yeah... But... Aisht!!! I mean I always get compared! Why? I'm sweet too, you know? I've done to her all the sweet stuff in bed!" Seungri was huffing by the end of his blabbering.

The four older men just ran their palms down their faces and stood up while looking pitifully at Seungri, ticking their tongue.

"Now I understand where you're coming from." Jiyong shook his head. "Nation's dream husband? Stop kidding around. I'm just about to meet him tomorrow."

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