Chapter 21

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"Took your time, didn't you?" I say when Cooper, Josh and PJ come strolling into the garage. Zac and I are sitting on two beach chairs, closer than necessary, to the point where the arms are touching.

"By the way, I brought my new girlfriend." PJ says.

"You what!?"

"No! She can't come!" Zac exclaims. "That'll ruin what we have planned!"

At this point, Trina pokes her head around the wall of the garage. "Too late," she grins.

"Wow. That was fast." I say under my breath, just loud enough for Zac to hear. "I wasn't expecting them to get together this quickly."

"So, what exactly do we have planned?" Cooper asks suspiciously.

"Well, Josh is going to like this." I grin evilly and Zac laughs.

"What?" Josh says. "Are you going to get me a hot girlfriend? I mean, everyone seems to be getting one nowadays. There's PJ and Trina, Zac and Ally..."

"Wait, you guys are together right?" Cooper butts in.

"Oh yeah." Zac says. "Definitely." And he kisses me hard on the mouth to prove it.

"Oh gross!" Josh yells, ruining the mood we were getting into. "I'm going to have to get used to that." He's making a cringing face and we all laugh at him.

"Trust me. Our plan will make up for whatever torture we just put you through." I say. "We're going to be using one of your revenge plans."

"Whooooooo!" Josh starts running around the small garage like a puppy. "Is it egging? Are we egging someone's house? Wait, who are we getting revenge on?"

"I'll tell you if you let me get a word in with all your cheering." I'm laughing.

"We're egging Lindsey's house of course." Zac says.

With this the whole group starts clapping. "That backstabbing bitch deserves everything she's getting!" Trina laughs.

"You got that right!" I think of how she used me this entire time to get to Zac, and when it didn't work out, how she tried to sabotage my relationship so ridiculously blatantly.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Cooper says.

"I've got the eggs!" Zac yells, holding up two cartons and gesturing to another two under his chair.

"And I've got my dad's car keys!" I press the unlock button and the relatively small car next to us beeps. "Get in!"

The six of us crowd into my dad's car. Trina and I are sitting in the front, while the four boys are crushed into the back. They're so big that one of the doors isn't able to close and Josh's leg is sticking out, but Trina and I still refuse to switch places. I start the car and we're off.

Trina turns on some loud pop music and I don't even mind. The boys in the back start howling their complaints, but Trina and I simply sing along, or rather yell. This goes to show that I'm not one of the boys anymore, but part of a group. Gender is impartial because it's the people and personalities that matter. I have Trina, who has become as close to me as any of these boys. I have Josh, the joker; Cooper, the sensitive one; PJ, the one who always understands; and Zac, my official boyfriend. I can't stop smiling at that word.

As the perfect little group we are, we hop out of the car and egg that bitch's house together.

The End

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