Chapter 2

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I really do love these little water-skiing trips with the boys. I think it's the boat. The boat is big and fast and perfect for pulling along those skis. I tilt my head back towards the sun. I'm wearing fraying jean shorts made from my brother's old jeans over plain black one-piece. The wind is blowing my hair into a mess but I don't care. I look down towards the back of the boat and find PJ, still getting into his gear. I swear he was doing that ten minutes ago.

"Are you done already!?" I yell in PJ's direction.

"Yeah! Don't get pissy with me Ally. You'll get your turn!" he yells back, diving into the water.

After PJ, Cooper and Josh go. They're all good but nowhere near as good as Zac and I. It's because they're wusses. They're just not daring enough. Once they're finally done, Zac goes, leaving the best for last, which is me of course. I give Zac the okay signal and he shields his eyes from the sun and grins at me. That's his signal for I'm-gonna-do-something-impressive-that-you-can't-do. He does two flips in the air and I have to admit, it does look impressive... but it's not something I can't do.

Zac finally stops showing off and gets back onto the boat. "Well Al, you're up. Let's see what you can do." He says, challenging me.

"More than you can." I smile at him. Challenge accepted.

"Doubt it."

"We'll see won't we?" I wink at him and hop into the water.

Zac gives me the thumbs up and the boat starts up. I can feel the rush of the wind as I glide over the water. My adrenaline is pumping and I feel so alive. I mimic Zac's grin and do a couple of single flips to warm up. Then I throw in a double flip, just like he did. I knew I could do it. I can still feel the adrenaline in me so I prepare for another trick. I manage three whole flips in the air and a perfect landing.

"Not bad Al!" Zac yells from the back of the boat.

I shake my head and laugh. He probably could do it too but I'm not going to let him know that. I throw in another double flip and look back at the boat as I land. Zac's not looking at me anymore. I follow his gaze to a girl tanning on the beach near us. He's checking her out. The girl notices Zac and lifts up her sunglasses to make eye contact. She gives him a cute little wave and he shoots her that slightly off smile he always uses on girls.

I'm so busy watching Zac that I don't notice the top of a rock sticking out from under the waves. Before I know it, the edge of my ski catches on the rock and suddenly I'm toppling over and into the water. This takes me completely by surprise and I give a super girly humiliating shriek before I hit the cold water.

"Ally!" Zac yells, diving off the boat. Suddenly he's in the water putting an arm around me. I'm about to tell him that I don't need saving when I realise how nice his arm feels and allow him to drag me towards the boat. Ugh. What is wrong with me?

When we get to the boat Zac makes sure I'm gripping the ladder before letting go of me. "Do you need me to help you up?" he asks, sticking out his hand from on the boat.

"No. I'm fine." I say, annoyed. He's treating me like such a girl, although I guess I gave him the wrong idea by letting him put his arm around me. I climb the ladder by myself. My ankle hurts a little but it's nothing I can't walk off.

"Nice trick Al." Zac says, grinning at me. "But man, that shriek that was priceless."

"Shut up." I say, shoving him playfully. He shoves me back a little harder, and I shove him again, laughing.

"Woah guys guys, chill." Cooper says, putting a sweaty arm around me.

"You stink." I say, shoving his arm off me.

"So, are we going back now?" asks PJ, walking towards us.

"Yeah let's call it a day." Josh says, picking up the discarded equipment.

"Okay. But we're all going to the bonfire tonight, right?" PJ asks. Ugh the bonfire. I'd totally forgot about that. It happens on the beach the first Saturday of every summer. It's another chance for me to watch Zac hook up with girls. Yay.

"Yup." Zac grins. Of course he's happy about this.

The beach is totally trashed. There are tonnes of girls in bikinis and tonnes of boys chasing them, or maybe the girls are chasing the boys. I don't really know, or care. I just know that I do not fit in here. The guys are all talking or hooking up with random girls and I'm sitting on a log all alone. It's depressing and I think my face is showing it.

"Hey." I look up and see Zac standing over me. "Not in a party mood tonight are you?"

"Hmm... not really. I think I need more beer." I say, standing up to get yet another can.

Zac chuckles. He's about to say something when he notices a girl over my shoulder. She looks over at him as soon as she realises he's looking at her. She pretends as if she hasn't been checking him out for the last 5 minutes. Please. "Go ahead. Have fun." I say, nodding my head towards her.

"Are you sure?" I nod my head, glad that he's thinking of me. "Well, okay." He says hesitantly, taking a step towards her. I sigh and move out of his way. He gives me a worried glance before going up to her. Why on earth did I let him do that? I sit back down on the log and take a sip from my new can. That's when I catch sight of a girl in a white bikini. It's Lindsey.

Lindsey is the hottest girl in the school, according to the guys anyway. I mean, what would I know? Her hair always looks perfectly conditioned and shiny. Although, despite her being super girly, I actually like her. It's because she's smart that she's bearable. She's not stupid like all the slutty girls she hangs out with. How else did she manage to establish her reputation? If anyone were to transform me into someone Zac would see as a girl, it would be her.

Spontaneously I get up and walk towards her. She's talking to a guy and I quickly wedge myself between them. "Move." I say to the guy. He's about to say something when he thinks better of it and runs away, intimidated. I have a reputation too.

"Is there a reason you scared that cute boy away?" Lindsey's eyes are narrowed towards me.

"Yeah, actually. I need your help."

"You need my help? Are you being serious?" Her eyes are looking at me, surprised and curious.

"Yeah I am. I need you to teach me how to use those stupid products you use on your face and hair and how you choose your clothes and get guys and stuff." I say, getting straight to the point.

"So basically you want a makeover?"


"Oh my god! You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this day! This is so exciting! I've always wanted to give you a makeover. I'm seriously so glad you asked! Oh my god! Ally Hudson is asking me for a makeover. Finally!" She's grinning from ear to ear and looks scarily excited.

"So you'll do it?"

"Of course I'll do it. Come by my house tomorrow at 5. We're gonna make you look the part and show you off at Zac's party. Eeeek summer project!" She's squealing really loudly but I don't even bother trying to shush her. All I can think about is Zac's party.

What have I gotten myself into?

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